Magic Signature Sigil
Couple Signature Sigil
Find out what is your compatibility with couples signature sigil
Home Signature Sigil
Curious to know how is supporting you? Sigil of your place called home
Take your time and compare all available forms of signature sigils and choose what you feel is for you.
Next step is to complete the payment and download or view the documentation file so you are aware of the entire process, how it works, sneak peak behind the veil if you like.
I will contact you back to confirm that all is ok or maybe there’s something I would want to know or simply to deliver the signature.
Read the FAQ tab for additional information.
What is a signature sigil?
Signature Sigil is a symbol which defines the aspects, energies and potentiality of your archetype and your personality.
Doesn’t sound familiar?
Ok, let me put it this way, the entire human race can be defined by a limited number of archetypes and personalities along with a complex influence of potentialities which are translated as predispositions, thought patterns, behavioral patterns so on…
No, it is not easy to “read” someone based only on these aspects but we can understand ourselves better and understand others better by knowing a few extra things.
The Signature Sigil includes other individual symbols which are representative to these archetypes, vibrations, potentialities…
Feel free to visit my previous commissioned signatures for visual information and to see how your signature sigils might look like.
How to place an order?
Select the Signature Sigil you want and follow on screen steps.
What do I receive?
Based on your order you will receive:
- Entity Sigil Signature – 1 JPG static image file 1080×1920 static wallpaper for your device
- Couple Signature Sigil – 1 JPG static image file 1080×1920 static wallpaper for your device
- Home Signature Sigil
1 JPG static image file 1080×1920 static wallpaper for your device
4 additional sigils, also image format. These wards are for the four cardinal points of your property. Additional instructions are provided
How do I use these Signature Sigils?
Additional instructions will be provided but here are the highlights:
- Static wallpaper for your device
- With meditation
- Engraved, tattooed or printed on various materials
- Company or small business signature
- Family or group signature
- Stickers, labels, calling card design or oracle backface card design.
If you have other questions feel free to contact me.