dascentian sigil 4 home protection a
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Home Protection – The Temple

This particular construction is designed to transform the place one calls home into your Temple, a sacred space.

How does it work?

Many are familiar with the expression “man sanctifies the place.” In different cultures and religious traditions, there are similar ideas.
For example, the notion that people can make a place holy through their actions and prayers is prevalent. In a spiritual context, human presence and behavior can transform and elevate the environment around them.
An aspect to remember is that some human behaviors can have the opposite effect, leading to negative consequences in the reality we experience.

Magic sigils, like the one depicted below, are powerful tools for channeling intentions and energies to sanctify and protect a space.

These symbols act as focal points for one’s spiritual and magical practices, helping to manifest desired outcomes and create a harmonious environment.

Dascentian Tool - Magic Sigil of Conversion - Transmutation of the energy of Home in Temple energy

Black color

Magic works in this way… you already have the power, the manifestations, the desires, you try to experience but there are not on the same frequency, the same vibration as you are operating, so, they are basically invisible and intangible to your physicals entity.

With that fact in mind, we can use symbols and their meanings to help us design the reality we experience.

Before starting describing the each symbol and meaning I would like to share a perspective related to the color, the black color.

In psychology, the color black represents sophistication, elegance, and power, but it can also evoke feelings of mystery, authority and strength, often associated with formality and prestige (e.g., black-tie events). It symbolize the unknown, the subconscious, potentialities.

From an esoteric standpoint, black is seen as a color of potential and possibility. It represents the void or the primordial darkness from which all creation emerges. In various esoteric traditions, black is associated with protection, as it is believed to absorb negative energies and ward off harmful influences.

It is also seen as a color of transformation and inner growth, where the darkness is a space for introspection and the alchemical process of turning lead into gold, metaphorically speaking.

Spiritually, black is viewed as a color of grounding and protection. It is thought to be a powerful shield against negative energies and psychic attacks. In some spiritual practices, black is used in rituals and meditations to help with deep reflection and the uncovering of hidden truths. It’s a color that encourages going inward and connecting with the deeper, often hidden aspects of oneself.

Three perspectives from psychology, eclectic esoterisme and spirituality… yes I could add the religious perspective but I would just spin the other 3 ideas to fit the religious framework with no other additional information.

Let’s not confuse color black with dark environment, we’ll talk about “darkness” and how darkness supports the light in another topic.

The Symbols

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The construction of this transmutation tool is fairly simple and uses the basic collective agreements of the collective consciousness within human experience.

How to use?

Download the printable version (PDF or jpg) and use it for digital or physical printings.

Can be engraved and placed in visible spots within home or anywhere on your property.

It wards against low frequency energies, calms down spirits, entities. Place tourmaline crystal around it for reinforcement.

Follow these steps only if you can.

  1. If printed on textile, place it on a table in the center of your home, place 2 white candles in the North and South cardinal points and 2 golden candle in the West and East cardinal points.
  2. On a ceramic (clay based) plate sprinkle blacksalt forming a circle.
  3. Light up a candle and tie a read, white and a black thread around the candle
    Say aloud 4 times facing each cardinal point start from the direction where the sun comes up and turn to your right:
    “By hearth and heart, this space I bless,
    My home a Temple, peace and rest.
    With light and love, protection stay,
    Within these walls, by night and day.”
  4. When done, face the table (altar or whatever) in front of you and say:
    “Sacred space, now you are found,
    Sanctuary in every vibe and sound.
    With every step and breath I take,
    This Temple is strong, no harm can break.

    May kindness dwell and joy increase,
    In every corner, perfect peace.
    By the power within me, pure and bright,
    My home is blessed, day and night.

Let the candles burn for a few minutes…
If you feel the need to burn incense, do so. Allow your own energy to guide you further.

Additional note, do not engrave on bone or use as tattoo, try natural elements (cloth, wood, metals, glass, minerals, tourmaline).
If you find difficulties in reproducing Dascentian characters and symbols, do use your native language.

Engraved on obsidian mirror has an interesting outcome.
PS: golden candles? – simply tie-up a piece of fabric, string or whatever you have to be representative to gold element.

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I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar

The above mantra is a quote and has a lot of power once one is understanding as much meanings as possible.

Order your own Entity Signature Sigils

About Commisioned Entity Signature Sigils

This is how your signature sigil might look like.

Commisioned signature sigils are representative to their owners and manifest, interact and align to their owners state of awareness.
Find out what archetypes you call forth to assist and support your personality and what archetypes are present for your destiny.
It is not rocket science but it is the ezoteric knowledge and the building block of magic.

Find out what is your entity signature sigil Your Signature Sigil


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