The Hierophant
Here again we have a figure seated between two pillars, repeating the theme of duality seen in the pillars behind the High Priestess. These are the pillars of the Tree of Life from the Kabalah, one representing Mercy and the other Severity. Or it might be said that the one on the right hand is law, and the left one liberty to obey or disobey. Both are necessary, for obedience through compulsion can never bring freedom—man must choose. The capitals of the pillars are decorated with mystic symbols of sexual union.
The crossed keys at the feet of the Hierophant, one gold and one silver, are the solar and lunar currents of energy. The two tonsured priests kneeling before him wear Palliums to symbolize the yoke of union. The garment of one is decorated by the white lilies of thought; that of the other shows the roses of desire.
This master of the sacred mysteries wears the triple crown of a Pope, the lower design of trefoils representing the lower material world, the middle one representing the formative world, and the top tier representing the creative world. The symbol of three is repeated in his staff, revealing the realms of spirit, soul, and body. The letter W at the very top is the Hebrew letter Vav, meaning nail, means of union, link. Here it is used to suggest the linking of man to God through the inner voice.
It is of some significance that the number 5 is that of the planet Mercury, ruler of intelligence; 5 is also the number of Man or humanity.
The Hierophant represents traditional, orthodox teaching considered suitable to the masses. He is the ruling power of external religion, whereas the High Priestess teaches only in secret and to initiates.
Divinatory Meaning:
Preference for the outer forms of religion, the ritual, the creed, the ceremony. The importance of social approval; the need to conform to society.
Openness to new ideas, unconventionally. The card of the inventor as well as of the hippie. Take care that you do not become superstitious.