Dascent Sigil Generator


Use this element to charge your sigil if the manifestation is related to: masculine energy, passion, force, power.


Use this element to charge your sigil if the manifestation is related to: feminine energy, calm, emotional inteligence, intuition, adaptability.



Use earth element to charge your sigil if the manifestation is related to: feminine energy, abundance, banishing, change and transformation, nurturiung.



Use air element to charge your sigil if the manifestation is related to: feminine energy, intuition, creativity, connection, spirituality.


Portal 1 Activation

Triangle pointing upwards, fire element, male energy, moving forward, action, stability.


Portal 1 Activation

Triangle pointing downwards is representative to water, emotion, feminine energy.



Dascentian Sigil Generator

Type your wish or affirmation,
Click the Generate button and allow the generator to work
Extended version 8.1 allows the options to charge your sigil.
Use Download button to download your sigil as png image with transparent background.

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version 8.1
v.8.1 Extended Version
The extended premium version comes with a couple of innovative functions, more creativity and of course serves you better.
  • new extended style with Magic Wheel pattern - Fibonacci Sequence 13, 8, 5
    2+6=8 (Power and Abundance)
  • new drawing method of the magic sigil to match both sacred geometry and numerology
  • animated visual pointer to enhance the "follow" process
  • new function to visualize alpha strings after reducing by removing vowels and duplicate characters

Create Sigils Community

Online Sigil Generator from prompt text using classic sigil construction methodology – Basic v.8.0