cover portal 1
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Activation portal 1 – Muladhara

Wide circle, the individuality, boundaries, Ias myself.
Triangle pointing upwards, fire element, male energy, moving forward, action, stability.
Triangle pointing downwards is representative to water, emotion, feminine energy.

Sides of triangle intersect but don’t end to allow flexibility, potentiality.
Inner circle with a dot in the center is the symbol for the Sun and one of the alchemical symbols for gold element.
Those who have a balanced root chakra will feel nothing others might feel a sensation of heat if hyper activity or tingling..

Can be used in meditative state because it helps with visualisation and activation of this energetic vortex, named Root chakra – Muladhara.

Activation Portal

Yes, one can use magic sigils as form of meditation as energetic trigger and visual reminder of energy manifestation because that is what magic is, manipulation of energies.

A balanced and active inner system will reflect a balanced and healthy environment on the outside. Therefore I will include the chakra system in what we call magic practice because all are connected.

Root chakra is located at the base of the spine and this energetic vortex is responsible and interacts with specific energies, emotions and states.

Choose the appropriate version

masculine energy

Activation Portal - Male

feminine energy

Activation Portal - Female

Energy vortex for following:

  • Survival
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Stability
  • Grounding

Stimulate this chakra by visualization using the image above.

Minerals and Gems

Red Jasper, Garnet, Bloodstone for active energy.
Hematite, Obsidian, Tourmaline for cleansing.

Essential Oils

Patchouli, Frankincense, Myrrh, Vetiver, Black Pepper


  • I am safe and secure
  • I have enough, I am self-sufficient
  • I am centered and grounded


  • Position:base of the spine
  • Color: red
  • Element: earth
  • Affirmation:I am
  • Sound: LAM
  • Gland:adrenals
Order your Signature Sigil Signature Sigil is a symbol which defines the aspects, energies and potentiality of your archetype and your personality. Doesn’t sound familiar?
Ok, let me put it this way, the entire human race can be defined by a limited number of archetypes and personalities along with a complex influence of potentialities which are translated as predispositions, thought patterns, behavioral patterns so on…

Energetic symbol

Use the above symbol in meditative state as it is representative to this energetic portal.
Close your eyes and start with the first breath in through the nose for 5 seconds and exhale through mouth for 8 seconds.
Second breathe in for 8 seconds through the nose and exhale through mouth for 8 seconds.
Third breathe in for 5 seconds through the nose and exhale through mouth for 8 seconds.
Repeat the alternate sequence at least 7 times at your own rhythm.

Each inhale must reach the belly. To do that, simply follow your inhaled air with your awareness down to the belly. Air enters your nostrils cavities, goes down your throat, moved down through the chest area and much deeper, inflating, so to speak, the belly.
Exhale all your fears and insecurities’ along with the hot air through the mouth.


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Dascent - Autor


Dascentian Academy of Arcane Sigils

I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar

The above mantra is a quote and has a lot of power once one is understanding as much meanings as possible.

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