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Dascentian Sigil Ge...
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Dascentian Sigil Generator

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Dascentian Sigil Generator

Type your wish or affirmation, make sure it is a positive one
Click the Generate button and allow the webapp to work it out.
Extended version allows the options to charge your sigil.
Use Download button to download your sigil as png image with transparent background.


Web app designed to generate a visual sigil representation from a text prompt.

The simple functionality makes it efficient.

What you see...
Type your text and click the button to generate the sigil construction.

It might take a few moments to remove the vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and duplicate characters according to classic sigil construction.

As an option you can choose to charge your sigil from the drop-down options.

Version 8.0 includes the current available options.

When ready, click the Download button to download the sigil construction in your device.

It will be a png image with transparency (no background) 300px width per 300px height, suitable for easy-use.Â

What you don't see... 
The math behind is accurate and the lines are following a pattern of 9.
Meaning, there is a square with 9 cells and each cell is assigned the consonants from the alphabet.

Sigil Grid

When text is added and goes through the process of eliminating the vowels and duplicate letters, then the next step in functionality is to assign the letters to the numbers within each cell .
The next step is to start with the first letter assigned to a cell and draw the line to the next letter from another cell up to the point when all letters from resulting distillation of the prompt are marked by lines. 
To enclose the energy, the vibration of this new sigil the circle is added from right to left clockwise.

The energetic sigil is ready.

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v.1 Initial Release

  • Fix the pattern

v.2 Added Buttons

  • Replace the right-click Save As... functionality with click and touch button to trigger image download

v.3 Clean the markup codes

  • removed unnecessary markup codes
  • removed the PDF version for download due to library dependencies
  • removed the animated main background

v.4 OptimizationÂ

  • redesigned for various screen resolutions
  • removed svg formatÂ

v.5 Added Charge option

  • added the option for charge the sigil - Fire seems to be the most popular method
  • cleanup markup

v.6 Added visualization for charge option

  • created and added background image for visualisation purpose when sigil is charged
  • new interface

v.7 Added additional elements

  • since v.7 release, added divine elements for charging magical sigils

v.8.1 Extended Version

  • extended style with Magic Wheel pattern - Fibonacci Sequence 13, 8, 5
    2+6=8 (Power and Abundance)
  • changed the drawing method of the magic sigil to match both sacred geometry and numerology
  • added visual pointer to enhance the "follow" process
  • added new function to visualize alpha strings after reducing by removing vowels and duplicate characters
  • attachment Magic Wheel - Fibonacci sequence
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Joined: 9 months ago

Version 8.1

v.8.1 extended version - magic behind

The entire development of the sigil generator has bits of magic, esoteric and holistic knowledge behind to help for the best favorable outcome

Visuals and Interaction

Because everything carries meaning, everything serves a purpose.


The visual aspect, the theme, the style of the web app is based on mixing colors in a powerful and intuitive way therefore I've chose the black, white, orange, gold theme.

b+l+a+c+k =11
2+12+1+3+11= 29
2+9= 11

w+h+i+t+e =11
23+8+9+20+5= 65
6+5= 11

g+o+l+d = 11
7+15+12+4= 38
3+8= 11

o+r+a+n+g+e = 6
15+18+1+14+7+5= 60
6+0= 6

Master number 11 in numerology. Representative to intuition and enlightenment. Symbolizes spiritual insight, inspiration, and illumination
Associated with visionary leadership and heightened awareness, often linked to creativity and deep understanding.

Number 6 in numerology. Representative to nurturing and responsibility
Symbolizes love, care, and family also associated with harmony, service, and community.
Often linked to compassion and protection

Use this to type the color names and see their meaning from both numerologic and archetypal /divination meanings and associations - click here to use this app

Divination - Tarot major arcana

As previously mentioned, behind the web app you use there is more than one might think.

Color associations to tarot keys from major arcana

  • 11 Justice in tarot. Justice will be done. Balance is required. Lawsuits will be won. The balanced personality demands elimination of excess baggage, wrong ideas, useless forms of education.
    A mixture of the right ingredients is welcomed—as in science, chemistry, and cooking. May betoken the desire for education, with a well-balanced mind as its objective.
  • 6 The Lovers in tarot. The archetype depicted by the card is profoundly metaphysical in its symbolism. As the man looks at the woman and she looks up at the angel, the truth conveyed is that the conscious mind cannot approach the superconscious unless it passes through the subconscious — a thought to consider in meditative state.

Primary charging

The concept of the development uses the astrology and esoteric knowledge to empower this sigil with self-charging energy because behind of the constructor is an energetic portal visually defined by the following construction below.

click the image to enlarge it

Eclipse Activation Portal – Sun and Moon
The Sun -- representative of activation portal, triangle pointing up, associated with masculine energy, fire element, penetration, action, power, logic thinking, strong and steady base.
The Moon - triangle pointing down . Moon activation portal – fluidity, water, emotion, abstract thinking, feminine energy, receiving.

Very important information

Here's the mechanics of energy at work, the portal is also used to depict the universal law correspondence "As Above So Below "

As Above...- the phrase is typed above, in the input box, powered by the Sun's energy (symbol for gold, prosperity, abundance).
The "construction", the creation of magic sigil is done in the middle area, between the Sun and the Moon, where feminine energy brings ideas, wishes, affirmations life into existance, the dense form of the thought. Materialization.
...So Below - is the materialization action, the tangible, the form of the energy representative to thought, idea, will, desire. Download button for the sigil is that materialization.

Options and Functionality

Magic everywhere....

  1. Type the affirmation
  2. Click the button to Create Magic Sigil and allow the webapp do its work
  3. drawing the sigil - the circle enclosing the sigil symbol at the end is meant as a warding for sigil protection
  4. Optional Charge
    • charge with Fire element - read the minimal info below the active option
    • charge with Water element - read the minimal info below the active option
    • charge with Earth element - read the minimal info below the active option
    • charge with Air element - read the minimal info below the active option
    • charge with portal 1 masculine energy - read the minimal info below the active option
    • charge with portal 2 feminine energy - read the minimal info below the active option
    • use the Magic Wheel - read the minimal info below the active option
    • use the Self-Empowering - read the minimal info below the active option
  5. the characters after removing the vowels and duplicate letters according to classic sigil construction
  6. Download Sigil button
  7. notification steps displaying the process

How to use

Always use present tense positive affirmations because affirmations are more powerful than a wish or a desire so if you have a wish or a desire, make it as a clear statement, that's the entire hidden knowledge behind... simply believe that your desire manifested already and now you offer gratitude and thanks (the best energies to work with in manifestation process)

Additional charge. If you feel you need to recharge your saved sigil, feel free to do so but I did a ritual to open the atemporal space and is enclosed by the circle of your charged and saved sigil.

Activate it. Use any method you feel comfortable with. Activate using the elements or by visualisation. Use the symbol as a reminder more of the vibration, the state, the energy you experience when manifestation has already occured.

Wards, shields, sigils. Sigils can serve a wide range of actions, activities, states and manifestations so, your sigil can be a warding sigil, a protection, a source of power, empower your craft, activity or yourself.
The sigil can be used for protection, abundance or what have you.

Temporary or Permanent sigils. Engraved sigils become wards, shields, amulets if that is desired purpose. These are more permanent constructions and require more attention but yes, one can choose to burn and activate the temporary sigil or make it more permanent.

Energetic package. If you are a skilled practitioner of any holistic activity operating for the highest good of all and under divine grace, one can use created sigils as healing symbols, send healing energy, remote healing, astral projection, astral messaging, higher self connection, channeling... and the list goes on and on...

Posts: 47
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Joined: 9 months ago

v.8.2 Zaltorius

  • new visual style, new interface
  • 5 patterns
  • 5 charging options
  • output of the sigil is goldish pale lines
  • option to hide UI for visualisation purpose
  • off page documentationÂ

Release presentation

WebApp Page - FCA+ members
