dascent the circle
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The Circle

It is the first closed (sideless) geometric shape.
From the center to either direction, to the edge it is the same size.

The circle is representative of individuality, wholeness, beginning and end.

It suggests protection, limits, boundaries, detachment, infinity, ether. Some of these associations are also relevant to square symbol.

In many cultures, the circle plays an important role, from the Ouroboros, the snake or dragon devouring its own tail, to the traditional connotations of the engagement ring.

The Circle, with its apparent perfection and absence of beginning or end, has fascinated people throughout time with its simplicity and depth. In many cultures and traditions, the circle is seen as a symbol of eternity, unity and the cycles of nature.

In alchemy, the circle is often associated with spirit or the element of air. This symbol of perfection and continuity can be interpreted as a representation of constant transformation and evolution. Thus, the circle becomes a symbol of the perpetual search for perfection and connection with the divine.

In astrology, the circle is the representation of the zodiac, showing the cycles and interconnections between the planets and the zodiac signs. He symbolizes not only time and space, but also the balance and harmony between cosmic forces.

In the construction of seals, the circle unites all the elements within it and bounds all the elements outside it. The circle provides protection and focus.

Dascent - Autor


Dascentian Academy of Arcane Sigils

I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar

The above mantra is a quote and has a lot of power once one is understanding as much meanings as possible.

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