How to navigate the new reality
It is a genuine question I asked myself: “How to navigate through this new reality? It is, in a sense kind of new and unfolds in a very unusual way right before my eyes.”
Throughout spiritual history there are these terms which today are no longer limited to gurus, holly monks, ancient practices of spiritual development but are experienced by the masses, the modern individual.
Terms like enlightenment, awakening, meditative state, metaphysical experiences and so much more.
I am aware that the world is changing, is evolving and a lot of new situations rise up and spice up the human experience so, in this particular context I would like to share some of my experiences and how I dealt with theses challenges.
The Awakening
The idea of “awakening” has many aspects attached to it and right now we experience new definitions added attached to this term.
How I understand and experience the awakening state can be very different from other’s experience because I don’t think it is an identical process for all of us.
The state of awakening is, for me at least, that state in which I exercise a more deeper state of awareness.
I’m not all of a sudden more enlightened, I don’t feel exquisitely more special than other individuals but the first thing I noticed to be changed is the “me” state.
One can say I was kind of dormant and now I have awakened with a sense of “more” because my range of interests were captive in a narrow framework, I unconsciously was telling to myself that “this is all there is to know” about myself. I thought I knew who I am, what I am and I was limited by those definitions of myself.
The myths of awakening
Social mainstream has a variety of definitions for this state because words are easy to use when there is no meaning attached to them so a pseudo-awakening can mimic the true state of an “awake individual”.
Therefore I would like to share my perspective on this topic.
Top 4 misinterpreted experiences
- Awakened individual is not “the black sheep of the family” – read more
- The “Chosen Ones” pandemic – read more
- The lonely path – read more
- Toxic relationships – read more
- The powers – read more
These are the most popular and most misinterpreted topics when it comes to spiritual evolution.
By examining the personalities and destinies of both partners, Dascent creates a sigil that encapsulates the essence of your connection. Use your Couple Sigil as a symbol of your love and commitment, whether as a digital wallpaper, a meaningful piece of jewelry, or even a tattoo that you both share.
The hero’s complex. The awakened individual is not the black sheep of the family.
Con. This cool trap generates low frequency because it meant to feed the ego making it feel special, the cool badass, misunderstood member of the family who has the courage to be different, to be bold, to be special. Well, it is generating negative energy for the ego.
Pro. This state can help the individual break the circle of repeating the same mistakes.
The thing is that when the individual reaches the state of awareness some of these definitions dissolve entirely because the awakening state comes with a deeper level of understanding, acceptance even compassion when there’s a context for it. Like when you watch a reel on Facebook or a TikTok and presents something which is so obvious, natural and logic but the creator (influencer) is super impressed and the comment section support that yet for you is the natural… yes, liquid foods like soups for example are served with spoons and not forks.
90% comment with wooaaaa, you comment with wtf!!!
The “Chosen Ones” trend. More times than ever before I have stumbled upon affirmations, posts on social platforms, a behavioral pattern where this is attitude is enforced with strong belief.
The negative aspect? Well, the negative aspect will feed the Ego with the idea that it is special than others and the energy which reflects that state is vanity, which is pride and self admiration on hormone pills. “I am chosen”.
The positive effect? Of course there can be a positive aspect too, because it is a matter of perspective therefore we can truly benefit from the generated attitude in a healthy positive way.
How? If you feel low, but very low in your life and go through this experience of lifting yourself up from the dirt, this Ego trap can be very useful because in a productive way, you will CHOOSE yourself.
What I mean by Choose Yourself is this… you are aware of your situation and you align yourself with the state of you being better than your yesterday you. That’s the true power of You.
When you push throughout your own trauma and you choose to align yourself with your best version of yourself.
I know it is a bit complex to wrap around this idea but the effect of being genuine, being true to yourself, being humble, forgiving and embracing all what you are requires you to believe in yourself and stop seeking validation in others, stop searching for some reflections of you in others.
In other’s eyes you will seam to be arrogant, judgemental, void of empathy or even wrongfully defined as narcissistic… all that because others will glance but not look, look but not fully understand what they see.
Why? Because we all have our own filters, our own experiences, our own knowledge which tent do protect and align with.
All humans are “chosen” because if we were not, we wouldn’t experience life. Source of All Existence doesn’t do mistakes.
As a “chosen one”, within the negative connotation I just mentioned above, awakening, enlightenment, spiritual development don’t really fit, basically they all are mutual exclusive because all highlighted states support inclusion and not segregation.
Chosen, in this particular context is a segregative element by definition.
Therefore one who affirms that is among the chosen ones is not exactly spiritually evolved or enlightened is it?
“Be a nobody and you will become everybody” – A paradoxical quote which many are afraid to experience.
The lonely path. How I see this can be very difficult for others to rely too so if sounds like a bunch of nonsense, simply scroll or wipe or whatever because it is a bit of a complex subject.
Well, from the start I will say it is not at all.
On physical level, from “outside” perspective can seem to be a lonely experience but it is not.
The journey is a process one should enjoy and most do enjoy and embrace it as a natural development, because it is a process of self-discovery, a self-remembering and to experience these one needs to be alone.
Sadhguru said once a funny, yet true affirmation : “If you don’t ok, alone by yourself, then you are in bad company!”
Well, some say that humans are social creatures by nature, it is coded in our DNA to be social, in groups but that’s not entirely true.
We humans have the capacity to evolve just like nature adapts and also the thing with the “group” was a build in adaptation because it is representative to a survival mechanism… hunt in groups, defend in groups, live in groups for mutual help and development…
Socialisation is or better yet consist in a set of interactions to generate benefits. That’s it.
Test it! What if you are self-sufficient in terms of biological and psychological, metal necessities? Would you see socialisation as a must?
All your mental needs are satisfied, all biological needs are satisfied, all your psychological needs are satisfied… would you seek the society to belong too?
External validation, a sense of belonging, external acceptance, external empowering. All which come from outside of self and is considered to be a necessity will feed the negative aspect of the Ego.
Self validation, self acceptance, self empowering will always generate a positive aspect of the Ego because, with self validation comes the knowledge of limitations, with self acceptance comes the knowledge of taking responsibility, with the self empowering comes the knowledge of knowing yourself.
One may say that a self-sufficient individual will no longer see as necessary to self-evolve … and it is partially true. When one is self-sufficient and at peace with itself, from the outside will look like there is no drive for any kind of evolution, further pursuit of knowledge, emotional evolution, but on spiritual level, the situation is very different that what outside image can define.
There are many levels of knowledge, many levels of spiritual evolution, many levels of understanding therefore self-sufficient individual evolves aspects which are not seen or even understood by the external observer unless there is some kind of interaction between the observer and the self-sufficient “entity”.
On this context I will add this idea: “There are no 100% self-sufficient entities walking the earth”
Toxic relationships. What can be defined as a toxic relationship? Be it under marital status (abused spouse or partner) or domestic abuse (family violence, child abuse)…
What benefit one can get from a toxic relationship? Well, it is an obvious example of “not like this”… so one will avoid doing or repeating these behavioral patterns with negative implications.
When I ask my HS why this happens, why toxic relationships if the first step was involving the love energy….
The response I got was something like this:
“At soul level there are various reasons in which two or multiple Souls make agreements to experience these types of experiences.
Imagine that you as a soul are with your future partner’s soul in astral realm and an agreement is drafted so both of you learn from the experience of negative human relationship.
Imagine the love you carry for each other and your partner is saying to you, please, please remember that I love you so much but there we both forget and I will be abusive and I will manipulate your feelings and I will cry here and I will feel your pain as we yell at eachother down there on earth school. We both will feel the rage, the sadness, levels of fear, levels of emotional discomfort and we will make human decisions based on human experience.”
It is not an easy to approach subject because fear and manipulation of fear is the main tool of toxic relationships.
I will not dive into this rabbit hole because I can not take the responsibility of so various situations but I can share a perspective which might empower you if used as intended.
Do you consider yourself as an abused individual? From a legal point of view, seek professional help and assistance but from a more spiritual perspective ask yourself what is the lesson you learned from this experience, consider the lesson to be learned and integrated and build trust in yourself that you worth the love, you worth to be appreciated and if there’s nobody to show you the appreciation you deserve, start showing yourself.
Don’t belittle yourself because in the eyes of the creator you are worth every single second of your life.
Yes, there are challenges, there are difficulties you faced and maybe you will still stumble again but never lose the trust in yourself.
Each time you kneel and tiers wet the ground, each time you lifted yourself up.
Sometimes we all need a little bit of help, a shoulder to lean on so we can take in our breath but know this, we are never alone in our struggles, we are never in darkness searching for the light, all we have to do is to remember who we really are, immortal souls which can’t be kneeled down, can’t be wounded, shattered, traumatized.
The dark night of the soul? Remember, it is the dark night of the Ego… the soul calls it a learning opportunity, development, evolution, growth and experience, the human aspect and our Ego is the one experiencing pain.
The Powers. Another misunderstanding and misleading aspect of awakening is the self-activation of superhuman powers.
Don’t laugh yet, it is true that when the individual is no longer focusing their attention on the exterior, the obvious happens and the focus goes within Here’s what is happening to absolutely every individual who makes that change, that shift of attention and focus.
What these individuals have in common? When no longer distracted by the outside environment, one is focusing their attention within and at first, that “within” is a bit scary, a bit uncomfortable, feels a bit lonely, feels a bit strange and a bit dark, a bit quiet.
Let me say, it is totally ok. A natural state of intuitive meditation.
Did I mentioned scary? Yes I did, this state of peace is not something we are used too so yea, at first we might get scared of that state and for some reason “we put a tag on it” and avoid this meditative state because we have some reasons to avoid the dark.
Some individuals experience a genuine state of terror of losing themselves, their identity. It is not what they fear.
So, if you experience that state of “dissociation” simply remember to breathe, focus on your breathing while in meditative state and that will be your “anchor” your “return to roots, the origins” .
Gather yourself and know that you are safe within the world you project within.
At some point your own awareness will exceed your physical body and sometimes you will feel, know, sense, stuff, objects, from your own environment without looking at them directly.
If you hear an unexpected sound your own awareness will “retract” itself into your own physical body and you a wave of fear based energy will startle you, that is fine too, it is the natural response of your body.
Another state one might feel in meditative state is what I define as divine peace. It comes with a deep state of acceptance, an excitement defined by the felt gratitude and of course, if crying is something you don’t usually do, know it is a natural biochemical response of your body which cleanses itself. Again, a natural response with roots in energetic (human emotions) and reflected in material (human body).
Now that we got some basic stuff out of the way, let’s get back to the Powers.
When the focus is shifted within, the energy is empowering the self so, while in meditative state few things can happen:
– because we no longer focus on outside noise, our hearing can benefit form a couple of upgrades. Either better physical hearing or its metaphysical correspondent, clairaudience.
– when our vision is no longer focused on the outside environment but within, the energy directed towards empowers either a better process of imagination or the metaphysical vision known as clairvoyance. (No, doesn’t work like with hearing, when one is “looking” within and perceives, at first, only the darkness of their fearful emptiness, void of thoughts, the physical vision does not suddenly improve).
– another “superpower” which activates is the metahuman sense of emotions. “I feel your vibe” kind of thing. This happens more often than one might expect because one of the paths of self-development is that thing called shadow-work where you take a deep dive into your own darkness where known trauma resides and polish those demons of yours until the darkness no longer hold power over you.
It’s a process. When less fear in your darkness you reach the self-realisation that your are the one creating and projecting your fears which is a powerful thing to know because at some point, you will decide to use the environment because it is filled of potentiality and nothing else to harm you in any way, shape or form. As I’ve mentioned, it is a process.
Back to this superpower where you are able to sense emotions or energies which don’t originate from you processing a situation. The empath.
Well, there are debates regarding this term and its definition and the clairsentient term but don’t worry… if you are not strong enough, emotionally centered no matter what the name is, you will feel overwhelmed.
In this context, I want to bring into your awareness this: – there are 3 types of empaths. The ones who reached a deeper level of their emotions, the ones who feel others’ emotions (these are the most confused individuals) and the ones who can handle and even manipulate other individual’s emotional states.
I will not dive into each of these but know they exhibit different manifestations and behavioral responses in different individuals.
You might see a lot of memes about this “Empaths: We spot your bulshit a mile away”… some self-proclaimed individuals will always play this in their favor but the thing is that true empaths will never claim or make such an affirmation in a public environment like social platform because sometimes the load of drama and bs which result in human interaction is simply overwhelming and not worth the energy… Ergo, highly empathetic individuals are not so vocal, they will be labeled as introverts and antisocial but they got smart enough not to expose themselves in a harmful way.
Sigma Empath… be aware of these individuals đ .
– the most useful superpower in my opinion is the ability to know things without pinpointing the source. Claircognizance is the ability to know and intuitively understand information at the exact time when you needed.
A lot of these superpowers can not activate or develop if one does not trust themselves and is constantly seeking external validation because all these come from within.
To be able to activate, recognize, be aware, make us of any of these one needs a lot of trust in their intuition, self-acceptance, self-love, healed emotional trauma so on. For all these to happen, one needs to walk the lonely path, meaning, these things can not be thought, only experienced and activated.
“Empathy can not be thought” – It comes as a natural state, a result of certain human attributes, thought patterns, experiences. With some success, empathy and any of these things can be mimicked because there are described in great detail yet if there is no natural path towards these evolutionary developments, the outcome will be subject of fictional books, tv shows or as we can experience on some self proclaimed spiritual communities on social platforms.
The Cleanse
My personal experience can be similar with some other individual’s experience or not but when I started to be aware of these changes I was impressed in a positive way.
I started to exercise my own breathing sequences and what felt good become a repetitive exercise, what created discomfort, never repeat.
A heavy smoker, 1 pack per day and one day I simply said “nope, I no longer feel the urge to smoke”… to this day, 3 years of not smoking with no nicotine patches, electric cigars, no stress, no gum, no pills.
Porc meat and all supper processed foods kind of no longer agrees with me and nope I am not a vegan.
I do enjoy french fries, love a hamburger and accept the consequences.
I have not imposed or thought about any schedule, any exercise, any methodology to achieve something, it simply happens as a natural and most importantly, logical path.
I don’t think or feel it is wrong to make the conclusion that when I started to dive into shadow-work and started cleaning “the basement” the body, hearth and mind started the same process too… It is all interconnect and even now when I type this text this foreign language I “see” how all of this works and makes sense.
The Path
Well, to be frank, there is no other path to follow, but your own path, the path you create and walk on.
How come? Why not “Jesus path” for example?
Well, the answer is not simple but there is logic behind so it kind of makes sense for me.
The religion exists before I was able to make a choice and I have eyes to see, ears to hear, experiences to learn from and a brain to process some thoughts for myself, therefore I concluded (again, for myself) that religion in its current practice and promoted by it’s practitioners is no longer the path towards enlightenment but a tool of indoctrination.
I don’t say religion is bad, I say religious individuals and individuals who promote and spread the word of their God are no longer connected with the religion they preaching and it become a tool of manipulation.
There’s a saying in my language and priests use it way to often too….
“Nu fÄ ce face popa, fÄ doar ce spune el⌔
“Don’t do what the priest does, just do what he says⌔
And that’s the very definition of manipulation… isn’t it?
There were times in human history when we needed religios history (even fake one) just to help us survive as a human species therefore religion (all religions) served their purpose for a while.
Again, there is no bad religion there are only bad representatives of these religions.
It is not a bad thing that religion says not to do harm, not to steal, not to lie… all these are good things.
I chose magic because it is the perfect bridge between physicality and ethereal although we cross this bridge all day every day and we never think about it.
The thought, backed up by the action manifesting itself in material world like the consequence of our choices and actions.
A nail, a hammer, a wooden plank. Before placing the nail touching the plank, in my mind I have processed the location where the tip of the nail sits. In my mind I processed the way I hold the nail, activated the awareness and increased caution so I don’t hurt myself.
Weight of the hammer, direction, movement, impact… all these are already happening in a split second in our mind and are followed by our physical actions. So, in a sense we transform though (invisible energy) into physical, mechanical action.
What about a wish, an affirmation, transforming a desire, a thought into a tangible manifestation, a physical experience?
What type of approach allows me to transform thought energy into manifestation? Belief plus imagination plus knowing.
And the sigil magic is one approach.
The Magic
I chose magic because it has deep roots into collective consciousness even if with time it got itself a bad rep.
Even words associated with magic were painted in a black bo-ho-hoo shade and here’s an example:
Occult – mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena. “a secret society to study alchemy and the occult“
Associated with “occult” were definitions and practices related to demons, human sacrifice, dark rituals and so many fear based beliefs.
Not entirely misleading yet occult is not just that. Yoga can be labeled as occult practice by some, clairaudient can fall in the same category…
Another word is esoteric – intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
“esoteric philosophical debates”
Esoteric has a more “classy” association, kind of “white collar” category as it was and still is tied to secret societies like Illuminati, Freemasons, Brotherhood of Men society… so on.
In my opinion, all these are circles, categories with their own rules, perspectives, visions, agendas yet none of them can really encapsulate the essence of Magic itself, that’s the main reason for which there are so many divisions, factions to speak off.
What I’ve discovered for myself is this… the more compartmentalisation are out there, the more complexity generates in human experience and to be frank… there is way to much complexity generating nothing else but challenges, difficulties all day long.
The path of less resistance must be one’s choice as seen in our amazing teacher, the nature. Look how rivers carve their path through stone of the mountains, through the ground, the thunder’s pattern, the mold… nature had much more time at its disposal to become smarter, wiser…
Now, this must be the end of this material so the final though I have for you is to forget it all, to dismiss it all and I make this suggestion because I want you to understand that there are options for you to choose from, there is knowledge which serves you and free your thinking and knowledge which shackles your human experience by making illusions feel like the truth.
I am saying, transform it all, detach from all, transcend the religion, the dogma, the spirituality, detach from all of these and the paradoxically you will accept them all because it is not your reality what you were programmed with, so you won’t lose your sense of self, the things you believed defined you, because when accepting it all, you start projecting your own reality, it is not a “losing” but a remembering, a recovering, a creating process which aligns with your true self.
Yes you can ask “but how do I know who I am, how do I know when I am aligning with myself?”
You will know because it is effortless, it is natural, it feels good, no mask, no struggles, no pain, less difficulties, less challenges.
Yes, some challenges will not disappear all of a sudden, it is a process still. But what you’ll notice is that you transform all these challenges into lessons learned, into knowledge, experience, wisdom.
“Here I am, not bending a knee to any of it and I am not required to keep my head down being afraid of the sharpness of my own sword hanging above my head”
It is your divine right, your legacy and divine promise for you to build your magic world, your reality and not your nightmare. It is a choice.