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How to design a magic sigil?

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First let's be clear about the terms and definitions.

We already know that a magic sigil is a construction. Can be a standalone symbol or a cumulus of multiple symbols.

There are multiple forms of sigils with various functions.

Most common terms and definitions:

1. Magic Sigil - defines a symbol or a construction of energetic symbols which are created with purpose of manifesting a desire, a will, to fulfill...

2. Magic Seals - defines a standalone symbol or a construction of energetic symbols with specific meaning with purpose of calling, invocking, summoning a specific energy, entity, a specific avatar of an energy. Examples: calling the energy of the archangels, the names of the daemons, name of the spirits and entities.

3. Magic Wards - defines a symbol or a construction of energetic symbols which are created with purpose of self-defence, protection. Such wards can be a mix between magic sigils and magic seals.
Example : Sigil of Power empowered by Michael

4. Entity Signature Sigils - defines a construction of symbols derived from human personality and archetype. These type of magic sigils have been developed by Dascent. The purpose of these dascentian signature sigils is to self-empower the owner and remind them of who they truly are.

Entity signature Sigils are definitory to humans, buildings, couples, families because the construction is using numerology, divination along with intuitive process of creativity to bring forward the visual outcome.Â

Example of entity signature sigils.

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Part 1. The state of mind

Where this all come from?

It is obvious that we are the source. From within comes both the necessity but also the drive to reach a goal.

If I desire to be happy, which is a state of being and not a mood, should I search for external triggers and the right external conditions to trigger in me that state of being?

If I desire to be happy, I should look within for what stops me to experience happiness because it is our default state of being.

The state of mind... can be defined as the state from which we process all logic things and comprehend the emotional because we don't process emotions in our physical mind throughout reasoning. The brain is set to mimic, to adapt, to try to process all but doesn't process the emotions only attaches a library (past memories, past experiences, knowledge, imagery... so on)  to the energetic signature it reaches it.

Scientists kind of reach the same conclusion but still "work in progress".

The state of mind is influencing the outcome or better said, the lack of outcome in so many cases where our desires don't manifest.

What we need is clarity, determination, the state of comand (we'll talk about that later) and the emotional template.

Clarity so we know how to ask, how to express our desire.

Determination is useful because it comes with the energy of "I will succeed no matter what it takes" - the momentum

State of command is used to set change the energy of desire into energy of affirmation "This will happen because I said it will" - the self confidenceÂ

The Emotional templates is the energy which the outcome must match so do use your imagination to see yourself enjoying the outcome of your desire and charge yourself with that energy as long as possible.

Where we fail most of the time?

Time 🙂 . We experience the notion of linear time and its effects can derail us from our goal... sometimes we forget and don't keep the state of higher frequency therefore, the manifestation of our desire doesn't reach us. And we get disappointed and our self trust is diminished.

Allow the universe to align the best opportunities in your path to reach your goal. Do some actions in that direction to remind yourself about the energy, keep that energy active as much as possible.Â

Why we fail this way?

Because we try to control the way things should manifest but most of the times we block the potentiality. Let's face it, the most intelligent human on earth is stupid in this context because a human mind can not imagine all infinite opportunities, modalities through which the universe can respond to fulfil our desire.Â

It's ok I'm limited too, we all are and that's the beauty of it.

For a split second imagine how it feels to know all, feel all, understand all, experience all, have it all... in that sense, I do feel compassion for God as it does all that from a higher perspective but I think (with my human limited mind) that it must be excruciatingly  ... boring.


Keep your state of mind in sync with the emotional template but don't project or try to control how the magic happens, let it happen, let it unfold as it needs and trust that whatever experience you go through is to get that manifestation in your awareness.

The state of mind, sometimes is the good friend, sometimes the worst companion. It is up to you how you choose to define this relationship.Â

If your mind is not You, then who you are if not your mind?
You just experienced the state of the Observer. 
Now, the idea of "control your mind" has a deeper meaning?

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Part 2. The Creative Process

Here's the fun part.

First thing first, if you see me congratulate anyone who did a doodle and I say keep going, know I am shielding them from a harsh truth. Because I cannot be supportive on something I do not like but I can opt to open a space of compassion and understanding to try and "guide" creators and sigil magic practitioners to insist on visual aspect.

Why? Why is so important for the magic sigils to have a nice visual aspect to have some aesthetics?

Because when you look at a drawing it speaks to your conscious and unconscious mind too.Â

And what you decide to feed them both is what you get back...  sounds logic isn't it?

In chaos magic, the "new age form of magic practice" the flexibility is pushed to such extent that the result is, from visual standpoint "a bunch of lines" .

Nothing wrong with that approach and the method doesn't impact the overall manifestation of the magic sigil, but some magic works simply don't work like that.

There are various methods and styles to create your magic sigils and you should see which one works for you and choose your own style.

If you are more familiar with channeling creativity you can "design" your own style.

The classic method

The classic simplistic and popular method has influences from jewish kabbalistic knowledge as the old hebrew language did not used vowels.Â

The original Hebrew alphabet consisted only of consonants, but the letters ×, ×”, ו, ×™, also were used to indicate vowels, known as matres lectionis when used in this function.

Read about classic method of sigil construction

Eclectic styles and methods

Eclectic means that these methods are widely used by many cultures, different backgrounds, different cultural heritage, across time.Â

Are you familiar with Lesser Key of Solomon (Goetia) and the seals or sigils of daemons who build the great Temple?

It is a popular "story" but since then these sigils were studied, tested, used by thousands of practitioners and yet nobody has successfully build another temple or at least a garage... I asked why and you should ask yourself too.

Visual aesthetics are important and plays an important role in sigil construction.

Straight lines and combination of straight lines which form shapes are usually an indicative of blunt logic, limited perspectives as opposite to curved lines and curved shapes which are more representative to fluidity, emotional expression, flexibility.

Symmetry is representative to self-control, self-confidence, even a bit of "control freek".

Jugged and "shaked" lines are representative to uncertainty, lack of self-trust, lack of experience, a shaking hand is rushing, is changing ideas fast and tries to keep up with inner vision because it is afraid not to lose meaning.



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Part 3. The Symbols

Choosing the symbols, the representations, the meaning to best empower and energetically support the intention of the sigil.

Based on the style I adopt, I can opt to choose from so many symbols and libraries or go with simplicity.

For this material I will refer to the Entity Signature Sigils because they are complex enough to offer a better and deeper understanding rather than drawing a few lines which some apps can do with no effort at all.

Where these symbols come from? How to create the Entity Signature Sigils ? What app do you use?
These are just a few of the questions people ask me daily even on Facebook group.

So let me answer the first question and share this with you just in case you are interested in expanding you own experience.

First, I need to establish the entity's (individual or client's) Destiny or Soul Mission and the Personality or aspects which build their Archetype.

How to find determine  individual's archetype and Personality?

"Knowledge is power"

The entire humanity fits into 21 archetypes and personalities.  A much general calcification is used by the Zodiac but the Tarot holds the space for 21.

Numerology uses only 9 categories plus Master Numbers.

Carl Gustav Jung has build an entire school of analytical psychologyon top of these archetypes and personalities which are also reflected by Tarot cards.

I establish the archetype based on entity's date of birth using a bit of mathematics from tarot, astrology and numerology.

Based on that, I can assign symbols and associations representative to these archetypes.


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Part 4. The Math, the science, the energy

As previously mentioned our entire reality is based on perspectives, representations, ideas, meaning.

The outside of us has no meaning, I know it sounds difficult to accept but outside of us, outside of each individual, life is meaninglessness.
We see a flower, we notice it's beauty, it's color, it's smell, we assign those definitions to that flower.Â

The consciousness of the flower doesn't admire itself but the flower can communicate with the energy of our own consciousness and receives bits of information, vibration from our field, emotions, energetic impulses we emanate and the flower is responsive to those states, those vibrations, sounds, lights so on...

Meaning is given is defined by conscious observer.Â

What is behind the meaning?

Believe it or not, it is a mathematical system because mathematics is the first principle and the only self-correcting system which brings a sense of order into chaos.

Math is not empirical, it is not a human invention but a human discovery, we discovered math and geometry by observing nature and replicating patterns.

For math we invented symbols to define numbers, functions, dumbed down the universe's math so we can understand and make use of it.

Math and geometry carry energy, from mechanical vibration to frequency of waves... all can be translated mathematically.

So our universe, our physical reality is using math to order itself and give offer us the opportunity to define it and give meaning.

In this context, how numbers can help.

It is said that before we are reincarnated in this experience we can choose our name, family, date of birth and many other details that will help us or guide us towards an experience as desired by the soul, that will help us so we can develop knowledge, to evolve in spirit, to remember who we really are in this life experience.

The name we choose is meant to influence us in many ways, from its sound frequency to the vibration of emotions, feelings it generates in us or those we interact with.

As mentioned, I too use the basics of numerology when working with magic sigils.

For example, to find out some of the aspects a personality carries with them to help with their human experience we need to have some associations.

Let's pick an entity and do the process.
When I say "entity" I am referring to any human (alive or not) because we are not limited to a bag of bones, flesh and blood and "entity" terms is more inclusive.

Edgar Allan Poe... was an American writer, poet, author, editor, and literary critic who is best known for his poetry and short stories.... google the entire biography....

Edgar Allan Poe, born Jan 19, 1809


1+9+0+1+1+8+0+9= 29
2+9 = 11

Master Number 11 in numerology represents enlightenment, wisdom, and spiritual mission. By cultivating these traits, individuals under the influence of this master number can discover their true essence and follow their inner calling, thereby contributing to their own life's evolution and the common good of humanity.

Associations for Master Number 11

  • Color:ÂPurple or Indigo - symbolizing spirituality, wisdom, and spiritual elevation.
  • Element:ÂEther - associated with transcendence and connection with the divine realm.
  • Planet:ÂNeptune - the mystical planet and that of higher understanding, influencing access to wisdom and the spiritual dimension.


That's just the highlights from numerology and I've already started to connect the dots and form "a picture" about the personality aspect of the poet.

How would I represent this aspect in a more visual way?
I can use the color, symbol for ether and symbol for planet Neptune ♆ 
The color purple or indigo is associated with the Crown chakra associated with Divine Knowledge, intelligence and connection to divinity and the higher planes.

What else do I know? Zodiac sign? Yes, Capricorn ♑ 
Male. Yes, so I would use the symbol for masculine energy a triangle pointing up

11 is a Master Number so it brings an energy of higher dimensions, higher knowledge and spirituality... how can I compress all these concepts into a representative symbol? A halo or rays are fairly representative isn't it?

Ok let's sum up the symbols obtained from numerology and zodiac sign:

Symbol Symbol Symbol Symbol Symbol

So I just found out a few aspects some personality traits which this entity is using, please note that these human traits are experienced here on human experience by choice because our soul has all the knowledge and all the traits needed to experience even more, but these tools are specifically chosen to serve a certain experience.

Now, I need to explore more in order to gain even more information about the individual in terms of Soul Mission also known as Destiny and their Personality.

For that I am using another set of tools. From divination, the Tarot major arcana because I've already mentioned, world is much simpler than we perceive it to be...

The math using the archetypes to define the traits and personality of the entity is a bit confusing at first but with time, you too will get used to it.

To determine the life path, Soul Mission or Destiny (disregard all these termes if you feel like it, are just labels for a better understanding)

I need the date of birth, because that's the key.

But first, let's define a few terms in order to clear up confusion.

Personality, from the point of view of the archetypal structure, represents the main traits that help you manage your daily life, relationships and events that lead you to fulfill your mission.
It is these traits that will create the right environment for you to learn the necessary lessons and with their help you will relate to the life you incarnated in such a way that you can align more and more with your essence day by day.

The Path of Destiny means what you have to do, your "soul's mission", includes the lessons and experiences you should be heading towards.

Secondary potential is the term that refers to the influence of other archetypes that appear in the construction of the main archetype.

Here we go 19.01.1809

  • Day is representative to the Personality (DD) - 19 and the correspondence to 19 in major arcana is The Sun XIX . According to Carl Jung, The Sun is associated with the childish personality and behavior.

So for the sun, I can use the circle with a dot in the center which is  a symbol used in alchemy. 
How would I define the Sun's personality?
Hmmm... "see me", "praise me", "I shine", "I offer warmth, light and I support life" ... a sense of self-importance, a sense of coziness. And that's all good if it is not pushed to the extreme and we call that negative ego aspect as a disfunction. Self-centerless, egoistic behavior, narcissistic behavior.

Now, I do the math for the life path, the destiny, the soul's mission. And the "map" so to speak is presented within the date of birth.

DD.MM.YYYY - 19.01.1809
1+9+0+1+1+8+0+9 = 29

Now, because the major arcana doesn't have an associated archetype for the 29, I need to continue with 2+9, which adds up as 11.
11 is within the range of archetypes so it is associated with the major arcana Justice XI

What symbol can be associated with Justice archetype? A sword maybe? It is representative to both defence, offence and pointing down is representative to the balance between those two aspects. 🗡 ⚖  - objectivity .

So, Justice archetype but in this case, this archetype is influenced by other two archetypes from construction, 2 and 9.

2 - The High Priestess and 9 - The Hermit

How will translate all these?
The entity needs to exercise the justice but not from an energy of judgement but from an energy of compassion (The High Priestess) and a place of wisdom (The Hermit)

And there is a huge library of symbols I can choose to be representative to these archetypes, personality traits and energies, I'm limited only by my imagination.

Study the tarot cards and their meaning, visual depiction and there are stories to be experienced.

To round-up all these info, process all the knowledge and come up with the representative Entity Signature is a matter of experience, aestetics and of course a bit of intuitive guidance.

The Outcome?

Want to see how the entity signature sigil of Edgar Allan Poe looks like? Follow this link.

Of course I will skip the association of the archetypes with library and symbols but feel free browse through the specific section of the site to take a look for yourself.

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Because you don't have to reinvent the wheel, until you get familiar with the entire experience, I've made a couple of web based applications to ease the process.

NumeroApp - a basic web application which allows you to input/select the date and reduce that to a numerogram.

Can by the date of birth or a date of a certain event. Either way, the app will display the numerogram for selected date.Â

Read how it works here


The Archetypes - use this app to "cut the time" when it comes to math. The web app allows you to type the date and display the archetype along with the additional influences from the major arcana from Tarot (RWS deck)


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Entity Signature Sigil

The outcome for Edgar Allan Poe's entity signature sigil consists from the construction of (all) the following symbols:

Now, is it complex, is it simple, it is up to you to figure out and rely on your own intuition to place symbols for best representation of the entity sigil.

Entity Signature Sigil - Edgar Allan Poe
