Sigil Construction – Classic method
There are many materials online from which one can get some inspiration and learn from different methods how to design, charge and activate a magic symbol also known as sigil.
The most common, practical and classic method is by pen and paper, I named it the hebrew version because it doesn’t use vocals within its sigil construction so here we go.
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Step 1
Relax yourself and think of the affirmation, the desire you want to achieve, your goal.
Step 2
Take the writing tools (paper, pen or whatever) and write down your goal in a single sentence like/as an affirmation if you will.
Step 3
Cross out all vowels and all duplicate letters because vowels are not used in this construction method. I call it hebrew method because old hebrew language did not used vowels depicted in writing characters.
Form what I know (remember) vowels were considerate sacred sounds of divinity so they were not allowed to be used…
Step 4
Use the alphanumeric grid to assign each remaining consonant to its relevant number
Step 5
Use any pattern grid if you feel it is useful and draw/connect each number to its correspondent one from the pattern
The result is what it is, a drawing without any meaning for someone else but a meaning for you.
- “I enjoy abundance in my life”
- Cross out, remove all vowels and duplicates
N J B D C M L F - Assign each character to a number from the alphanumeric grid
5 1 2 4 3 4 3 6 - Start drawing to connect the numbers from numeric pattern
(5.) Tinker with it until looks as you want
Optional Step 5a
If you want and feel more creative, improve the visual aspect of your sigil.
A visual appealing symbol is much better than a couple of lines and a swirl because the idea of the sigil is to activate and carry your affirmation, a reminder, a physical representation of your desire… so, go ahead, feel free to unleash your creativity because creative energy comes from your deeper corners of your soul channeled so it can help you.
Step 6
Because you worked on your symbol with such dedication, interest and (hopefully) good mood, the symbol is now charged with that energy and becomes an energetic symbol, a magic sigil.
Step 7
Activate your sigil. The simplest method is through visualization but I found out that many individuals might have difficulties using their imagination to create the mental images within their own mind and attache the affirmation in that dimension but it is ok. Don’t worry, there’s still hope, light up a candle
and burn the piece of paper on which you did your symbol.
Step 8
Forget about it. Yes!
Why? Because you want to allow potentiality to manifest, your intuition to guide you rather than blocking the magic, the manifestation because your analytical mind says “no way it can happen this way”… “it needs to happen the way I think it can, the logic way…”
That’s the main reason for which magic fails to manifest, is because we block its manifestation… magic means logic which we don’t know yet, magic incorporates unknown, holds potentialities and we kind of limit all that by imposing a certain limited path, a certain action which generates certain consequences.
So yes, forget about it, the intention, the affirmation are sent to Universe, trust that it will read your vibration and respond with a matched vibration.
What is a sigil?
It is nothing more but a visual representation of one’s desire. A tool, a symbol of a vibratory idea, affirmation and should not be treated like anything else.
Why my sigil doesn’t work?
All sigils work, all magic works because that’s what they do and nothing else.
Why your desire didn’t manifested? That’s another question.
Maybe because you changed vibrations?
The crash course of Law of Attraction:
When you are happy, your signature vibration is up high let’s say 500hz
In that state, you create the sigil which carries that 500hz
Ok, so you continue with your daily tasks, issues, life, your overall state is no longer 500hz, usually lower.
The Universe is receiving your message your 500hz and says… Ok, I need to put in motion all these elements in order for this entity which sent me the 500hz message to be aware of the manifestations in their physical plane…. and the universe is aligning stars, moves galaxies in order to create that 500hz to
manifest in your reality but guess what… you are no longer up to 500hz state but went on a lower vibration and even if the 500hz is to manifest instant in your life, you can’t benefit from that effect because it is not in your awareness.
Are there other ways I can create sigils?
Yes, the flexibility and creativity are not limited by “magic” or “magick”, your own written name represents you, your signature so it carries weight in documents you sign same as the sigil is holding a vibratory message.
Don’t limit yourself to what this brief material includes.
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