Ether – Aether
Symbol consisting of 2 overlapping triangles. The quintessence, the 5th element complementing the other 4 basic elements: Water, Air, Earth and Fire.
Ether — in esoteric, alchemical, and spiritual perspectives, is often considered to be the primordial substrate of existence and the essence from which all things spring and return.
In alchemy, the ether is regarded as a subtle and omnipresent substance that permeates and sustains all forms of matter. It is associated with the concept of the “quinta essentia”, the fifth essence, which transcends the four classical elements and unites them in a cosmic harmony.
Esoteric perspective — ether is considered to be the medium through which energy and information are transmitted and manifested in all planes of existence. It is seen as the subtle substrate from which thoughts, emotions and consciousness itself arise.
Spiritually speaking, the ether is associated with the concept of “spirit” or “universal soul”. Seen as the divine force that pervades and animates the entire universe, giving it cohesion and unity in its diversity.
The ether can also be seen as a symbol of the connection between all beings and aspects of the world, as well as their interdependence. Understanding and integrating the ether into the spiritual life can lead to an (at least) interesting experience of cosmic unity and harmony.
Other symbols for Ether
Dascentian Academy of Arcane Sigils
I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar