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I release emotions with ease


I allow myself to feel emotions and release them with ease

I allow myself to feel emotions – is telling me that I am not afraid to accept diversity within emotions, some might be intense, some might be overwhelming but it also tells me that I don’t have to get attached, to keep them, be it an emotion that I prefer or an emotion that I do not prefer. Use this simbol as a reminder of the concept of channeling your emotions, allowing them to reverberate within and let them go.

We can’t release emotions, if we shield ourselves from emotions we in a way found a coping mechanism but not an effective one because emotions attach themselves to memories, experiences, senses and at some point we will have to deal with them.

Emotions help us understand ourselves on a deeper level.
How come? Well by investigating the root of our emotion.
Why it resonates within me?
Preferred emotions pass our awareness quickly but traumatic ones are more persistent and you are given the opportunity to know why.
When we find the root, the belief which empowers your emotion we can choose to convert it in knowledge and experience or to simply release it because it served.

I allow myself – is the key. It places you in a higher state from where you can decide what to do with the emotion, a sense of control rather than be like bending grass in the wind.

To use the sigil, charge and activate with water element as it is representative to emotions.

All these are in this sigil and in this “simple” affirmation.

You can pause the video to reproduce the design of the symbol or feel free to use the sigil generatorto create your own sigils for free.


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I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar

The above mantra is a quote and has a lot of power once one is understanding as much meanings as possible.

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About Commisioned Entity Signature Sigils

This is how your signature sigil might look like.

Commisioned signature sigils are representative to their owners and manifest, interact and align to their owners state of awareness.
Find out what archetypes you call forth to assist and support your personality and what archetypes are present for your destiny.
It is not rocket science but it is the ezoteric knowledge and the building block of magic.

Find out what is your entity signature sigil Your Signature Sigil


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