I release my fears
I choose to release fears that no longer serve me
A powerful affirmation which puts you in the state of control rather being the subject of your fears, the state of victimization is now dissolved and transformed into state of controle.
I choose, is the key but to be able to make a choice we need to own our fears because we can’t change something which we don’t own.
How to “own” your fears?
The obvious response is by accepting the fact that we have that belief which enforces an idea who generates the fear state.
Ask yourself if the fear is really yours!
80% of fears are inductive, came from other’s experiences, through various channels, via parenting or any other form avatar with power of authority and of course there is the cautionary fear, like fear of heights, fire, electricity… the environmental triggers which are valid and based on logic…
“I do parkour on the roof of Empire State Building, I might harm myself…”
“If I stay 1ft away from a camping fire I might get warm and maybe much warmer than needed and harm myself”
“If I introduce the nail to the electrical outlet, pushing the nail in the socket, I am definitely getting an electric shock and injure myself”
All based on logic and previous experiences, our own or from other’s experiences.
Do the shadow work, take your fear from the shadows, bring it into the light of your wisdom and ask, see, understand what is the message.
Is it your fear, is it a logical fear, does it make any sense to you ?
And breathe in deeply, breathe out deeply and release …
It is useful to physically try with breathing because it adds a sense of action, empowers your state of awareness, allows you to be in control by taking air in, knowledge, consciousness and release the air which is no longer needed along with the fears you no longer need…
And when you repeat the affirmation, be it outloud or in your mind, there is a sense of “I am the one in control” which is a self-empowering state you should exercise more often, builds self-trust.
Dascentian sigils are symbols made as you can see in this video based on a simple affirmation representative of this perspective, in a sense the symbol is a compressed idea, a concept.
To use the sigil, charge and activate with fire element as it is representative to action.
All these are in this sigil and in this “simple” affirmation.
You can pause the video to reproduce the design of the symbol or feel free to use the sigil generatorto create your own sigils for free.
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Dascentian Academy of Arcane Sigils
I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar
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About Commisioned Entity Signature Sigils
This is how your signature sigil might look like.
Commisioned signature sigils are representative to their owners and manifest, interact and align to their owners state of awareness.
Find out what archetypes you call forth to assist and support your personality and what archetypes are present for your destiny.
It is not rocket science but it is the ezoteric knowledge and the building block of magic.
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