dascent energy alchemy box

The Alchemy Box

A complex construct but distilled down to a much easier understanding.
The Alchemy Box.Its purpose is to change, transmute low vibe projections into useful knowledge. It uses the principles of astrological signs for the planets and zodiac signs to represent the desired energy one wants to transmute.

  • Aries ♈️
  • Taurus ♉️
  • Gemini ♊️
  • Cancer ♋️
  • Leo ♌️
  • Virgo ♍️
  • Libra ♎️
  • Scorpio ♏️

Why zodiac signs? Because each sign is associated with an archetype so basically the entire humanity can be divided into these 12 signs.
Same thing with Major Arcana with Tarot keys… 21+1 archetypes

Astrological symbols:

  • ☉ – Sun
  • ♄ – Saturn
  • ☽ – Moon
  • ♃ – Jupiter
  • ♀ – Venus
  • ☿ – Mercury
  • ♂ – Mars

✝ The blades or swords are pointing inwards and placed within bigger circle (individuality) and blades pointing outwards within the square (shield, structure, solid base, enforcement)
Blades or swords are associated with division, interruption of flow, radical change, transformation, conflict, interaction. The blade can be a weapon of defence, offence and also a tool.

The box is divided into 12 sections according to cyclic pattern defined in nature (12 months, 12 hours… so on) Fractalized 12 is also divided into 4 sections visually defined by the bigger square (rhombus) which defines the 4 seasons and the 4 cardinal points

Because it is meant to transform, the box is using the four symbols from alchemy, the 4 elements. 🜁 Air, 🜃 Earth, 🜂 Fire, 🜄 Water

Additional shapes and symbols used in this construction:

  • triangle – first enclosed shape with 3 sides
  • square – second complete shape with 4 sides with equal length
  • circle – complete enclosed shape with no angles
  • octagon – is a polygon that has 8 sides and 8 angles
  • 4 points star, 8 points star
  • the Eye
  • 🜨 Earth symbol

How to use the Alchemy Box

Copy or print the concept on paper or textile. Write on a piece of paper your fear or low vibration thoughts, worries, concerns. Fold the paper and put it in an actual small box if you want or burn the paper on top of a ceramic plate placed on top of this symbol.

If you feel comfortable adding some sort of a ritual, feel free to explore that option but it would be enough to lite up 2 or 4 candles placing them in left-right side or the 4 cardinal points.
About the DASCENT letters around the main construction?

The idea behind the name is to expand into awareness the limitations of duality which now become a trinity because Dascent is neither of these points, not the ascended not the descended state but the one Observer who defines both of these aspects. Dascent is the Observerand the observer’s state, the one’s perspective, the vantage point which is placed not on darkness and not on light but easy to encapsulate, see, acknowledge the need and the existence of both and all aspects of life without the need of labeling them.

What is the mechanic behind this energetical device.
Just like sigils, the unconscious mind is picking up informations through the idea of symbols and meanings without being filtered by the analytical mind.

Before jumping up and down because of the planets symbols associated with zodiac signs…. more than one is used with, let me bring into awareness the idea of planetary aspects associated with them, dignity and detriment, exaltation and fall.


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Dascentian Academy of Arcane Sigils

I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar

The above mantra is a quote and has a lot of power once one is understanding as much meanings as possible.

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  1. Susanne C. says:

    Intrigued by so many symbols and lines, what are they for? Seems like an overkill

    1. Dascent says:

      Different energies, different archetypes, diversity.
      Funny that one… “overkill” … nope, energy can not be destroyed only transmuted, converted, transformed so… “many symbols” to match certain aspects of the energy… what does a blade do? Slices… an energy can be “sliced” soto speak and each slice it taken, absorbed by a symbol, representation of a specific energy.

      1. Susanne C. says:

        😮 makes more sense, thank you for clarity

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