dascent insignia architect
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First Circle Architect – Insignia

The First Circle Architect insignia includes multiple recognizable elements.

Circle is representative to individuality, protection, infinite, the cycles of beginning and ends.

The Dascentian characters read in plain english:

  • Top: Dascentian Academy of Arcane Sigils
  • Bottom: First Circle Architect

4 Pointed stars representative to 4 cardinal points, stability and balance.

Sword pointing down is representative to defence, shield, justice defending the principle as the feather is also part of the symbol construction.

Feather is representative to the etheric bridge between physical and metaphysical

The Eye is representative to perspectives, not one but more perspectives which allows and implies a balance in one’s view. The Observer state.

The original design of the insignia can be engraved or printed by the First Circle Arhitect members of the Dascentian Academy of Arcane Sigils.

Dascent - Autor


Dascentian Academy of Arcane Sigils

I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar

The above mantra is a quote and has a lot of power once one is understanding as much meanings as possible.

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