dascent runes


Example of bind runes and how binding looks like …

“I’ve carved in bones (of Mother Earth, Birth) asking (God, Ancestors) for the (Divine Union, Manifestation) to assist me with their (Fire, Knowledge) and help me with my (Tree of Life, Dreaming, Magic)”
Distilled looks like this:

“I carved in stone the prayer of my ancestors so the Divine lend me their knowledge to help with my magic work

Symbols on the stone are the same ones from above the english text, in that order, starting from bottom left – up
Does make sense?

Over the centuries everything evolved, some knowledge has been forgotten some is developed and some new meanings emerged, that’s called evolution.

Most of what you see used these times are new concepts which are much nicer from aesthetic perspective but not so accurate but who cares right…. we love Chinese ideograms (symbols, chinese characters) as a tattoo no matter if the meaning, the translation is chicken soup with egg noodles
But looks good and that’s more important right? Wrong yet acceptable by the masses otherwise, less “recipes” and “dishes” walking around in the park on on the beach or at the fitness studio….

Because circles, curved lines, curved shapes were harder to chisel and carve old symbols didn’t depict them. Bone, wood, stone, were first to “suffer” or to be honored by the man’s creativity and need of communication but about that transformation I will post another material.

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