Starseed vs Earthbound

Another interesting conversation on Meta so, here it is. my perspective regarding starseeds.

Well, we all come from the Source or All There Is so the idea of starseed is merely a concept which depicts the few last incarnations or the origin of the events where our soul group is placed … in simple terms, because all is happening here and now. events in interaction with these events generate experiences therefore there is no time is space as we human define them but there is the experience of these aspects.

So, I was posting a material about different starseeds, soul groups and their visual signature as provided by Bashar and here’s an interesting comment (among dozens of other comments):

Everything is energy, everything has a level of consciousness.
A distilled version of my perspective.
Planets are entities. Earth as planet has a consciousness named Gaia, she, like everything in the universe evolves, in order to evolve energies must be transmuted just like we do with food, we transmute or transform, convert food into vital energy for our body.

Gaia and other planets do the same but through a more complex mechanism.

I believe a collective contract was made in which the entity Gaia has agreed to offer the physical space in which we, humans to experience and evolve on our own, as human collective and doing so to help rise up Gaia’s vibration that’s why our frequency is 7.83hz
We humans have agreed to transmute Gaia’s old energies into new one “I help you, you help me”… a contract under the fair exchange rule of the universe.

So, earth started with 80% earth-bound entities, what this mean… first incarnations were the elements, wind, water, earth, fire, rock, mountain, trees, clouds… so on.

Next set of incarnations were animals and after that, humans. But they too can take “some time off” and skip the cycle of incarnations and incarnate on other planets too for a cycle or two for various reasons.

Other entities found out about this new place named Earth where the human stage of incarnation is the most complex kit which includes various experiences and a high degree of limitations but free will to explore.

Gaia agreed to evolve in this particular direction and transformed (evolved) into more human friendly environment…

We as a collective decided to experience pain, sorrow, war and a lot of this type of polarities, Gaia said ….ok but at some point I need to evolve.

So, the earth-bound souls which incarnated only here on earth were given a name “terrians” and they were many but could not change, transmute the energy fast enough because there is no diversity, the potentiality factor, so the consciousness of the planet and human collective consciousness called for assistance and other volunteers incarnated into Earth collective in order to add diversity and move forward.

Volunteers from other star systems and other realms decided to help and they incarnated here, the idea of starseeds.

Pleiadian starseed, Arcturians starseed, Sirian starseed, starseed from Orion, Andromedans, Mintakan starseed, Indigo children, Crystal children, Rainbow children, Lemurian (Atlantean) starseed, Venusian starseed, Lyrian and of course many others from many other planes of existence, realities, dimensions, universes under the generic name of light workers.

Because all of them were already more evolved from the spiritual point of view, we as Human collective evolved (believe me we have evolved at an unbelievable rate) and Gaia is evolving as most of us already heard about the 5D, the shift , the split…. so on.

There are 40 years cycle and we are closing an old cycle and start a new one.
Well, there is a type of starseed which no longer identify with one star system or soul group and these guys are named blueprinters and from what I know, blueprinters are “task orientated” but about these guys, another time.
According to my Akashic records I too am a blueprinter and it seems I’m from technicians group.

Already this distilled version becomes the material for a blog post 😃 so I’ll stop for now.

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