A bit more light please
Well, yes, we all want a bit more clarity a bit more light, a bit more easiness in our life (unless we don’t want, that’s an option too)
My entire blog is about perspectives, for some readers, my perspectives are easy to resonate with, for some are difficult to digest and others simply don’t care.
And I am fine with all because I do believe I understand how all this works… again, from my point of view, from my perspective, based on my experience.
In one of my previous “essay” (I’ve borrowed the term from someone else, because the article is quite a small brochure) I present some points of view which makes one think a bit, I don’t know facts so I don’t play with facts but I do take what is defined as a “fact” by others and reverse engineer until I reach my intellectual limitations.
In the same article or essay I also talk about eclectic or collective library and personal library. No I am not referring to books but to cumulative knowledge, imagery an aspect of intellectual reference a collective might use and one might tap into.
The article in question is Magic Sigils? Why and How… and the single comment (at this moment when I write this new article) reads:
Perspective idea still eludes me
I didn’t get what exactly CJ was trying to tell me because the comment is quite vague but I see it is a wonderful opportunity to bring into discussion the idea of how reality works for different individuals based on their library and their individual perspectives.
Because a library oftenly contains experiences and filters which rely to that specific individual, domain of activity, memories, previous experiences, colective experiences and for the sake of a better understanding of how reality is different, unique and sometimes interconnected for each and every one of us I am using 3 distinct categories with various libraries.
An artist, a painter who works with colors, brushes.
A spiritually evolved individual, open minded towards inner work and holistic aspects of life.
A musician, an individual who works with sounds and sound editing.
Creativity and expression of creativity is a building block to all of these aspects because interpretation of emotion and ability to express in color, sound or light what your own state of being is transmitting to you is the building block of what is manifested as experience.
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To start this self-made experiment and see how one object can be viewed, understood, defined and associated with different environments I will need a neutral object so, for the sake of the experiment and low budget (kidding) I have created a simple image with some black lines on a white background.
The following experiment has no scientific support so I don’t know if there’s an institution which is investing in such theories about how perspectives are forming or how realities are defined by each individual.
1. The neutral image
Neutral image is the base one.
2. The painter perspective
The painter’s perspective is triggering imagery from their specific environment, so the black lines can be paint.
3. The more holistic view of the spiritual evolved individual
From this particular perspective this individual is transforming the neutral black lines on white background into something more representative with their library.
4. The sound editor guy or musician’s interpretation
Of course the neutral image will trigger a different interpretation for this guy because he works with sounds and his environment is more reflective to that particular interpretation.
So… each of these individuals can interpret one object, the neutral black on white image and still have a valid meaning.
Each of them build around that neutral image a meaning based on their filters, their experience, their own perspectives and each of that represents a valid viewpoint, a reality.
Of course human experience is way more complex than that and uses many more variables but for this level of understanding it is enough.
Based on this particular idea I can understand why my reality is not identical with another individual, why I don’t need to impose my idea of Truth onto other’s point of view, why we all live, experience and build such diversity in our own realities…. because of the libraries we use.
I’ve asked myself what is the common aspect, the mechanic used by each individual to create their own version of the reality besides different libraries… why a meaningless thing get’s a meaning, even more interesting, a different meaning from other individuals…
And at some level I think it is about the law of Association and Resemblance. The governing laws of our basic understanding process. Otherwise without a library from which we can make associations we won’t be able to experience much.
Extended library means a wider experience.