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Sigil of Awareness of Intuition

What is Intuition Awareness?

It means to be aware of what you feel, it means to direct your attention inside and to perceive, to understand, to be able to define active emotions, thoughts, ideas.

What is intuition?

In simple terms?
I have a feeling as real as it gets, I know in advance that X thing is or isn’t ok, but the brain has no solid basis for it.
And sometimes we ignore it but sometimes we don’t

It’s an amazing experience to be able to disconnect from the outside world for a few minutes and connect with yourself, look within because you are going off autopilot and before any automatic reaction, you are first and foremost the Observer.

Visual definition of the component elements.
A symbol representing the triangle and in the mirror, two energy vortices.

The current position of the symbol is associated with feminine energy, so it should be used by those who identify with this energy. When turned upside down, it symbolizes masculine energy and should be used by those who identify in this way.

The seal can be used for:

  • awareness and a deeper understanding of emotions
  • awareness of the origin of emotional states
  • channeling certain information and knowledge
  • fluidizing the energy of intuition
  • stronger connection with the divine self
  • subtle unlocking of extrasensory abilities

Making the Sigil

Depending on the energy you identify with, draw (copy) the appropriate seal on paper.
In the image below there are two variants, choose the version that suits you.
Whichever version you choose, start by drawing the top vortex.
It goes through mentally and emotionally

Feminine energy f . The triangle symbol with the tip pointing down is used by the feminine energy because this triangle symbolizes water, emotion, abstract thinking and the two energetic vortices are in the mirror, in balance one representing the left-handed vortex (spiral from left to right) and in the inside of the triangle is the right-handed vortex (spiral from right to left).
The symbolism associated with the processing of information, of emotions that come through the channel of intuition.

Male energyÂm . The triangle symbol with the tip pointing upwards is associated with masculine energy because this triangle symbolizes fire, power, action and the two energy vortices are in the mirror, one representing the clockwise vortex (spiral from right to left) and inside the triangle is the left-handed vortex (spiral from left to right).
The symbolism associated with the processing of information, of emotions that come through the channel of intuition from the mind to the heart.

Individuals with more evolved sensory abilities or with increased sensitivity can experience manifestations in their own energy field.

If you want to further explore the idea of ​​this sigil you can use your own ritual to further strengthen the basic idea.


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I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar

The above mantra is a quote and has a lot of power once one is understanding as much meanings as possible.

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