success self confidence
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Success and Self-Confidence

Snap your fingers and climb towards a successful career, action, idea, outcome.

How does success work?

First of all we need the idea in which success should manifest itself. Try focusing on specifics, avoid vague affirmations as “I want to be successful or I am successful” because you will have a lot of success in lack of preferred success. So, be specific, focus the idea with as many details as possible.

Do that and generate the emotional state. No, you don’t need an external trigger, an event, a reflection of your reality to generate the emotional state of being successful. See yourself as already a successful individual, imprint that feeling in your memory and let it go.

Let it go
Why? So your mind won’t intervene in the manifestation process by denying all forms, all channels through which the success can manifest.

Magic works in this way… you already have the power, the manifestations, the desires, you try to experience but there are not on the same frequency, the same vibration as you are operating, so, they are basically invisible and intangible to your physicals entity.

You need at least these 3 tools. The idea, the image and the action.
Thought, word and did.
The idea, the will and of course the action. Because without the action in the direction to support the will and the desire, it will not work.
Clarity is required, Will is demanded, Action makes it happen.

The Sigil

The construction is simple and easy to reproduce.

The current sigil is representative to masculine energy because the triangle is pointing up, but feel free to download or reproduce the version you are comfortable with.

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I am who I am and That is Enough - Bashar

The above mantra is a quote and has a lot of power once one is understanding as much meanings as possible.

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