it’s all in your head
“it’s all in your head”
You know the words, we all kind of understand them but … do we? do we really get the meaning of this simple idea?
Let’s try the deeper approach, the deeper meaning.
It’s all in your head could mean that what we think and what we believe in are building blocks of our own physical, material and non material reality.
In terms of practicing magic, the concept of “it’s all in your head” must be acknowledged, basically we have to reach a level of self trust much higher than we might expect because this trust is one of the energies used to empower our actions.
Self trust means we have the power to do magic, to focus our intentions towards a defined goal and believe we can allow its manifestation .
It’s all in your head.
If you believe magic has no power, than that becomes your reality.
If you say you are powerful then, you get empowered by your own beliefs which trigger actions, ideas, energies and that is real magic.
Magic exists only if you allow it, because all starts with what you allow, what you focus, your awareness, your observation, your own willingness followed of course by knowledge and action.
By the way, never try to understand and keep all what you find in your mind… sometimes junk is just junk, no need to search for a meaning in order to keep what is not useful anymore (some might do that because they are afraid of “being empty”, no knowledge).
What would you feel or how would you feel if your own mind would not imprison you with limited beliefs?