cover earth sigil

Working with divine elements – Earth

All elements and all existence is divine by nature because all existence is an expression within All There Is, therefor divine.

But today I will focus more on one element, namely Earth.

Earth has many symbols but here are just few of them:

There are traditions, cults, religions in which energies of the Earth as an element as a personification which carries different names and attributes.
For example, the angel Phorlakh, mentioned in popular writings like Key of Solomon, the Gaia name which means “the earth” from from greek origins, Pachamama – the Earth mother worship by indigenous people from the Andes and many other names and attributes.

Each reflection is made of the same energy and from that conscious energy, because it’s plasticity, other forms and expressions can temporarily manifest in our physical world, in our dimension, in our awareness.

So, if you want to connect more deeply or interact with aspects of this element, try a connection via sigil magic.

Some have difficulty in understanding, imagining, grasping the ideas of the concepts which rule our imediate environment therefore it is much simpler to use basic terminology and correlations with more usual expressions, terms, ideas.
Imagine the Earth’s energy as a big sphere of lights, sounds and vibrations. Ripples, emanations, inner movement just like the Sun’s flare emanations but energies rather than mass material.

Some of those energies can separate themselves from the sphere and because the environment is made out of creation energy can choose to temporarily take a certain form we humans recognize as fae, fairies, gnomes and other “spirits” of the nature.
Look at the nature as a language, as an expression of the energy of Earth.
Look at the nature as a family member because it is the interface between our own soul and expression of All There Is. How you feel when you smell and see a beautiful flower? How do you feel when you reach a higher level and admire the landscape? All that admiration and peaceful energy resonates within our soul as humans and reverberates into all what we see and be aware off.

How to connect with Earth energy?

We are used with the term of “grounding” ourselves, a method of connecting our energy to the energy of the Earth, an exchange of information, downloads meant to balance and recharge our energy.

But in this material, I will share a method of calling out the energies of Earth and see which expression is willing to connect and interact with me.

My overall state is a mix of calm, peaceful, acceptance, joy of interaction, confidence, patience and humbleness.
While these states are generating the frequency from within, my awareness is way extended on the exterior of what I perceive to be me.
Basically with my eyes closed “I see, sense, being aware” 7 meters (around 22 ft) of my surroundings. It feels in a different way that simply looking into a certain direction… feels like my own energy is extended around me…

Now, if you want to try the same experience, feel free to follow these steps.

Use the symbol for the earth element Earth Symbol for alchemists in an invocation sigil.
Draw a circle on the ground (or the floor) using chalk, dirt (if you are outside, use dirt or stones) or charcoal.
Draw a square within the sacred space of the circle. Again, if you can use either charcoal, chalk or dirt. Make it big enough so you can stand inside.
Place a ceramic bowl of water in the center, take a charcoal and burn it from a lit candle.
When charcoal gets a bit of red becomes ember and blow on it with the idea/desire to contact, to connect with Earth…
Around the bowl draw with the piece of ember the symbol for earth element and drop it in the bowl.
Wait in a quiet state for a few minutes.

Based on the state you emanate, the vibrations you give off, that will attract as response to your own vibration to your own state of being.

Here are some common manifestations to expect:

  • charcoal starts to spin in the bowl of water clockwise
  • the candle goes off
  • be aware of an unfamiliar presence
  • (if outside) a bump in the ground might move towards where you stand
  • some other manifestations one might or might not prefer
  • nothing one is aware off

Sometimes fear of unexpected plays tricks on you that’s why I do suggest a certain state rather than “I’m just playing around”….

At the end, when done, place the candle in the bowl and step out of the square.
To close this sacred space, with dirt cut all 4 corners of the square and offer the water from the bowl to the earth.
It is possible that the manifestation one hopes for to occur in the dream state (while sleeping) .
Some other entities or energies could respond to the call if the “operator” is not confident and clear enough in their action and desire.
Respect is implied rather than “command” attitude.

Why other elements are included? Water, Fire, Air…
These are divine elements and they are part of a system we don’t fully understand… we see these elements as individual with own properties yet Earth has fire as soul, water as emotions and wind as thoughts…

All is connected

Download the sigil for Earth element and try not to abuse it because, sometimes “a call will be answered when divine timing”

Dascentian Academy of Arcane Sigils - Earth

The extended version is a bit more complex available for logged in members

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