It is time to figure things out

Name of the facebook user is not important but let’s dive a bit into another perspective …shall we?
You can’t if “your past trauma” is not heald… you wouldn’t know how to support others if you are still traumatized and a victim so no… heal yourself first, you can only offer healthy and true love when your heat is not broken… otherwise (like 80% of fb posts) you seek other victims to support each other in a victimisation state and that’s not healing by any means.
What’s your hurry? You are an immortal entity… where’s the rush… you will always choose to be back and try again even if now you say “I hate this matrix” … when in spirit… you love it so remember your love and bring that love into your awareness and with time your trauma will heal because you know that all these challenges served a purpose you had no idea… all in the name of love, compasion, expansion, experience and yes… of course transmuting darkness into light.
What a broken and unhealed heart can offer?
Fear based suggestions like:
– don’t do that because you’ll get hurt
– don’t believe that because it is going to disappoint you
– get rid of toxic people because they will drain your light
– stay where you are appreciated
All these (and so much more) are fear based beliefs and I will not go (in depth) into each of them because it means for you to understand that 80% of so called uplifting quotes are in fact bull’s digested food, but I will reflect an aspect of each of them.
“Don’t do that because you’ll get hurt”….in some situations is a good statement because there are two types of fear.
The irrational fear like “I’m afraid to talk in public because they will laugh at me, I will feel ashamed, fear of being exposed…”
The rational fear is like “I don’t want to put my hand in the fire because I will get burned and feel pain”
One is related to emotional fear and the other is mental fear, analytical one — I need to look both sides before crossing the street.
“Get rid of toxic people” and “Stay where you are appreciated” both are gratification of the negative aspect of the Ego.
Yes you can and you should move away from individuals who no longer share your opinions, ideas, moral values, feelings because “not match” means “conflict” at different levels. But labeling other individuals as toxic is an effect of a wound which is not healed.
There are NO TOXIC people only challenges from which we need to learn, guides and teachers who do the sacrifice of not being in good vibes with us in order to teach us an aspect about ourselves. And all the way around, we can be the “answer to their prayers”… not all lessons, flowers and rainbows and unicorns, some are more dense, low vibe.
“Stay where you are appreciated”
Well, it is a feed my negative Ego with what I need to hear about me so I can feel and present myself in a positive and appreciative state…
And that says it all.
Yes, do stay where you are appreciated to feed your ego or go where you are not appreciated and make them appreciate you for how they discover you to be and not how you mold yourself for their vision.
Bottom line, I don’t think my reply is intended to this particular post because I’ve extended its purpose with examples and perspectives which are individually discovered by ones who do their inner search and inner work.
From my humble understanding:
“All paths end up exactly where you need to arrive”
Some paths are straightforward, some paths are sworling, some filled with many challenges, some with less challenges, but we are the ones to choose the path we walk on.
Thank you for allowing me to put a pin on it.