How to deal with energetic vampires?! Are energetic vampires real?
This point of view is jumping from energetic vampires to a more wider context because there is much more than a simple answer.
There’s a mechanic and logical component attached to the idea and overall experience.
Do we want to demystify the “energetic vampire” idea? Not really!
A perspective which can shift some things we believed we knew but let’s take it step by step.
In your universe is only you and nothing else.
What you see as “others” is your own projection of them. We create our version of everybody, everyone, every single person, every single individual entity and all as collective, every thing, image, object, feeling, emotion, again, in our universe there is only us, I Am, the Self. Therefore we are the co creators of our own reality.
Well, what about people, situations, which seem to drain our energy?
The thing is, YOU are the one allowing them to affect you in that particular way and make you believe your energy is sucked out.
By examining the personalities and destinies of both partners, Dascent creates a sigil that encapsulates the essence of your connection. Use your Couple Sigil as a symbol of your love and commitment, whether as a digital wallpaper, a meaningful piece of jewelry, or even a tattoo that you both share.
There can be many reasons for this particular experience. You already know that Souls are immortal and there are contracts, agreements (at that particular level) which paints the theme we choose to experience in this particular life.
So, what could be the reason for allowing others to drain our energy?
As mentioned before, reasons can be many because there are no mistakes, only experiences.
Nothing can happen to us without agreement or to nudge us in the right direction, to take the right path.
Your Universe is build for You (as individual entity) and serves your Higher needs not your wishes.
Learning lessons like Acceptance, Inclusion, Compassion or simply to offer you the opportunity to discover a feeling an emotion and attach it to a memory can be a valid reason for your entire human existence.
What this tells you? You matter, you are important, you are part of All There Is and without your experience, without your thought, All There Is is incomplete.
Over the years I’ve seen so many inspirational quotes which now I find to be incomplete because I haven’t seen the deeper meaning and I was limited by my own beliefs.
When we start to peek behind the veil of Existence as we humans were limited to define it and see through the eyes of Acceptance, Inclusion, Compassion, Forgiveness, Self-trust a new understanding comes out to play. From here we understand why our universe is created by us, our reality is reflecting our true nature as it is (most of the times) and not as we want (tho sometimes both coincide).
Energy can only be transformed, we are Souls, we are energy, we are immortal and the only way we can evolve is trough expansion of Consciousness.
From human point of view, we use concepts like polarity, duality, good and bad, angels and demons, empowerment and lack of power but at Soul level there is only Experience which expands the Consciousness, from single individual up to global, universal and multi-reality collective. So a tiny idea like somebody else is draining me from my energy is a matter of perspective yet a real experience because it is our own power and our own perception which is building our reality.
That being said…
How to deal with energetic vampires?!
Find the believe which empowers you to give credit to that experience and once you do that, change its definition.
I’m not drained by my energy but I allowed experience of my energy to guide them, help them because they had this need. I did that on an unconscious level but now I understand the connection, I understand the message, the lesson, the help and I am grateful for being able to share this experience.
Do you want to change this experience to help you? Change your belief, because … here’s the weird one… nobody can hurt you in this life, unless you allow them or there’s an idea you buy into.
“Buying into an idea means you believe enough in the idea to give it your support”
And that support is fuelling up your beliefs (negative or positive ones)
Bottom line, CHOOSE how you let yourself be affected by situations, circumstances, ideas, CHOOSE how to respond and if your response is benefiting you or causes more negativity to fuel up a negative belief.
Are energetic vampires real?
Nope. The experience is real enough to make us buy into the concept of energetic vampires but as we’ve concluded already, in our universe there’s only Us and our own projections.
Unknowingly we block out our energy because we believe in some ideas and we create the experience of our energy being sucked off, sucked out of us, but again… it is just a belive and not a fact.
I’ve asked my Higher Self why is necessary to invest our energy in such beliefs?
Because these experiences help Souls to grow, learn, evolve through other perspectives.
Some might blame Souls and Higher Self as being emotionless, not feeling compassion and pain… but for Higher Self and Souls physical pain is not translated the same as for physical human and falls into “experience” category. A reason for a soul to experience a human life is that, to experience these feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas in physical plane with high limitations…. And that’s an amazing experience for Higher Us.
But for someone’s piece of mind, a protection sigil might be more useful and helpful for their experience.
Create a symbol. Use your intention and attach the strongest affirmation to it.
Activate the sigil using your preferred method, visualization or ritual.
No inspiration? Check out these two materials:
– Charging and Activating Sigils through Water
– Charging and Activating Sigils through Fire
November 10 – 2023 – my facebook post