10th Grid – Knowledge from beyond the veil
Side note: I do manage a facebook private community about Magic Sigils
I am from a reality where things are not as you define them to be and you are from a reality which is foreign yet exciting for me.
This is a new tool, a pattern I share which can be used in different divination practices but also forging strong sigils.
This particular pattern is based on the channeled information I’ve sat on this one for some time now because it was not its time .
Anyway, most occultist, practitioners, scholars, esoteric or otherwise have learned, studied , understand a system known as Kabbalah Tree of Life (the Sefirot, with ten Spheres of Manifestation) … what a better way for sigil construction using the spheres of manifestation?!
It’s a rhetorical question but do answer if you feel like chatting….
So, I was already familiar with Tree of Life from the Qabala Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson but the entire concept didn’t resonated with me at the deeper level because I always push boundaries and some of the things simply don’t feel right… a pretty strong reason to turn to the roots of all things… (anyone has access to this field of knowledge, some call it Akashic Records within Akasha realm, some use other names for this energy)…
So, let’s bend the reality as we want and see if the universe is collapsing (except a few egos, nothing will happen in your imediate physical space, trust me)
We all know the imagery of the Tree of Life or Sefirot but before being altered the entire concept was a crystalline structure, basically atlanteans and lemurians had devices based on crystals and what we know as depicted, studied, the building block of so much cultural heritage is basically a different structure and adapted to suit the collective needs.
Not a wrong development but incomplete, so, why not become more flexible and open minded to explore more of All There Is …
In this fascinating context I’ve used the crystal idea of the Spheres of Manifestation as sigil guiding patterns and combined the idea of DNA elicoidal sequence to reflect in the letter positioning (the result was some interesting number patterns like 666, 963, so on)
Here’s the base and my testing, proof of work if you will…
This post is also demonstrating that sigil construction is limited only by the lack of imagination so again… you don’t need to learn anything, all you need is to open up to the intuitive information you already receive.
february 17 2024 – Dascent post