egregore zentasticarts romania dascent

Egregore Entity

What is an egregor?

We experience a material, tangible but also a spiritual, energetic world and the entities around us exist whether we accept their presence or not.
In this material I will mention a type of conscious entity called egregor.
The concept of the egregor has deep roots in the history of Western esotericism and mysticism, but was first documented and discussed more clearly in the writings of the 19th century.

Roots and Origins

The term “egregor” has its origins in the Greek word “egrégoros” (ἐγρήγορος), meaning “watcher” or “one who watches”. In ancient texts, this term appears in connection with Judeo-Christian myths, particularly in the Book of Enoch ( Wikipedia ), where it refers to a category of “watcher” angels who watched over humanity and who, according to legend, fell from grace because they interacted with people.
These “watchers” have been described as powerful entities capable of influencing the material world.

First Clear Documentation

In its modern form, the egregor concept was popularized within the esoteric and occult movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.
The French occultist Éliphas Lévi(Alphonse Louis Constant, 1810–1875) used the term to describe a type of collective energy or entity formed from the thoughts and emotions of a multitude of people.
In this context, egregores were seen as forces that could be controlled and used through magical rituals or collective will.

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What is an Egregor?

The term “egregore” refers to a pool of collective energy generated and maintained by a group of individuals.
It has its origins in esotericism and is used to describe a kind of energetic entity or collective consciousness that is formed when several people focus on a common goal, idea or belief. This collective energy not only exists, but can also influence the actions and behaviors of the members of that group.

How is an Egregor formed?

An egregor is formed when a group of people directs their thoughts, emotions and energies towards a certain idea, concept or goal.
The process of forming an egregor is gradual and depends on the intensity and duration with which the respective group focuses on that subject.

By concentrating thoughts and emotions . When several individuals focus their thoughts and emotions on a common object, they begin to generate a collective energy. This energy is not just a sum of the individual energies, but combines in a synergistic way, creating a greater force.

Through rituals and repetition . Groups that practice rituals or frequent repetitions around a goal or belief can intensify the formation of an egregor. Each repetition of actions or thoughts strengthens the collective energy and contributes to the stability of the egregor.

Support through duration and consistency . The longer and more consistently a group focuses on an idea, the stronger and more stable the egregor becomes. Over time, it can become strong enough to influence events or persist even after group members are no longer actively involved.

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Why is an Egregor formed?

Egregores are formed for various reasons, depending on the needs and intentions of the group that generates it. The most popular reason to create an egregor is to control large masses of people.
Each country has its own egregor, each community has its own egregor, its own energy entity, its own energy that serves a common purpose.

Among the main reasons are:

Consolidation of a common goal. Groups that share a common goal, whether it’s financial success, spirituality, or a social mission, can create an egregor to support and amplify that intent. The egregor acts as a driving force, as a moment, an action, an impetus that supports the achievement of that goal.

Group identity empowerment . Egregores can help strengthen group identity by giving members a sense of belonging and cohesion. Through the egregor, the values, beliefs and goals of the group are reinforced, creating a strong bond between its members.

Protection and influence . Some groups create egregores to protect their members or to influence the environment. Egregores can be used to attract success, avoid danger, or manipulate events in favor of the group.

How does an Egregor manifest itself?

The manifestations of an egregor can vary depending on the nature and intentions of the group that created it.
These manifestations may include:

Influencing behavior . A strong egregor can influence the behavior of group members, causing them to act in accordance with collective goals and values, even without explicit direction.

Synchronicities and Coincidences . Members of a group may notice the occurrence of synchronicities or coincidences that seem to support the group’s goals, being interpreted as signs of egregor influence.

Increasing energy and motivation . Egregores can act as sources of energy and motivation for group members, amplifying their enthusiasm and determination in pursuit of common goals.

Persistence over time . Some egregores can persist even after the group that created them no longer exists. They can become autonomous entities that continue to influence individuals who come into contact with their energy.

Although egregors are powerful manifestations of collective consciousness, capable of influencing the reality and behaviors of members of a group, a country. Whether created to support a common goal, strengthen group identity, or protect its members, egregores are an invisible but very real force in human interactions.

Egregors can be extremely powerful and influential, there are methods by which an egregor can be removed or transformed. This process requires time, will and, in many cases, esoteric or spiritual knowledge.

How can an Egregor be removed?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, energy can only be transformed or converted.
The removal of an egregor implies the gradual diminution of the energy that supports it.
Here are the main steps:

Dissolving collective attention. Egregores draw their power from the attention and collective energy of the group.
By redirecting the attention of group members to other goals or ideas, the egregor begins to weaken.
Where you direct your attention there goes your energy. Group members can consciously withdraw their energy and involvement in what the egregor supports.
Example. If on TV, online, or other forms of media you are constantly presented with news, images, messages about a certain event, you are actively contributing in real time to the energetic feeding of the egregor that supports that event, even if it is about an armed conflict that has place thousands of kilometers away.
Conflicts like Ukraine-Russia-USA-Europe feed an egregor through the energy of control through fear.
The armed conflict between Israel and Palestine is supported to feed another egregor.
A small parenthesis, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has its roots long before the earth was created.
It is a conflict of an angelic family that wanted supremacy over the other families, but the conflict is an internal one, between “relatives” if you can use that expression. But on this topic I will write another material.

Closing rituals . In some spiritual traditions, termination or release rituals are practiced to deactivate an egregor. These may include meditations, prayers, visualizations, or other symbolic practices designed to release concentrated energy.
All group members must participate in these rituals to ensure complete closure.

Shifting collective intent . Another method of removing an egregor is to change the group’s collective intent. If the group changes its orientation and goals, the egregore that supported the old intentions gradually loses its power and can turn into the energy of potentiality.

Home Signature Sigil – Transform the energy of your living space with a custom Home Energetic Signature Sigil This unique sigil captures the essence and destiny of your home, crafted by Dascent using a blend of numerology and intuitive symbolism. By analyzing the numerological value of your house address and incorporating the vibrations of the homeowner’s family name, Dascent creates a sigil that resonates with the core energy of your residence.

How can one “destroy” an Egregor?

Destruction is not an option, energy cannot be created or destroyed. But steps can be taken to transform this energy.

Confronting and cutting ties . Group members must confront the egregor head-on, acknowledging its existence and choosing to cut all the energetic ties that connect them to it.
This can involve visualizing the cutting of energy cords , stating the intention to free oneself from the influence of the egregor and refusing to feed this type of energy.

Energy neutralization . Purification practices such as the use of incense, holy water, prayers or mantras can be used to neutralize the energy of an egregor. These methods have the role of cleaning the space and the people involved from negative influences and weakening the power of the egregor.

Appeal to higher forces . In some cases, the “destruction” of an egregor may require the help of higher spiritual forces, such as spirit guides, angels or other benevolent entities. Invoking these forces can help disintegrate the egregor and free the group from its influence.

How can an Egregor transform?

The transformation of an egregor is a positive alternative by which the collective energy is redirected and used constructively:

Redefining purpose . The group may decide to transform the egregor by changing its purpose and intentions. For example, if the egregor was created to support a negative cause, the group may decide to focus its energy on a positive goal, such as healing or personal growth.

Energy reprogramming . Through rituals or spiritual practices, the energy of the egregor can be reprogrammed to support new intentions. This process involves clear intentions and a reorientation of collective energy toward higher and more beneficial goals.

Alignment with higher energies . An egregor can be transformed by its alignment with higher values, such as love, compassion, truth or peace. This may involve changing the content of group rituals or practices to reflect these values ​​so that the energy of the egregor is purified and transformed.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of the most appropriate one depends on the specific context and the group’s intentions.

How can we defend ourselves from the influence of egregors?

Some of the most powerful energies that egregors feed on are fear, terror, despair, confusion.
By living in constant fear, we continually feed this type of entity.
Egregores are able to generate, manipulate and modify the reality we live in order to generate fear, confusion.
At this very moment, humanity, the collective consciousness, is facing 4 global egregores that religion recognizes as the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

What do I recommend? I recommend you disconnect from the sick society and the manipulations.
There is another society, hidden in reality that you will find when you stop contributing to the old world.
When you turn off the TV because you feel deep down that it is not the reality you want and to which you no longer want to contribute.
When you accept within yourself that you don’t have to save others, Jesus Christ paid that coin for you, just so you don’t have to live with these fears.
When you truly understand what it means to be of service to others by the example of your life and not by the opinions or suggestions you have.
When you truly understand that what you allow to capture your attention is what you empower.

Each of us has spiritual guides, spiritual guardians, use them.
You too have your spiritual guides, look within yourself with confidence, ask for more information, more support, more involvement from you. “Ask and it shall be given to you!”
If prayer and meditation help you, use them whenever you feel the need.

After all… why be afraid? remember that you are an immortal soul, you are energy before matter. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
You have immense power and you will only be aware of it if you are prepared and give yourself permission.

Additional note. I’ve used ChatGPT to translate the text from my native language (romanian) to english so it might not have the same fluidity as some of you are used with.

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  1. For God’s sake your posts and overall knowledge are way above dumb books I’ve read so keep it up.
    To be frank, your spelling is sometimes better than mine, so no worry.

  2. Diana Zimmerman says:

    that’s new and interesting perspective 🙂

  3. Alfred from NY says:

    Where do you get this info from, please recommend the book or whatever source you know to help me dive further into the subject.

    1. Dascent says:

      Experience, time, collective consciousness, logic…
      If you find a book, feel free to share, maybe helps others.
      Thank you.

  4. Ofa Upana says:

    Thank you. Many blessings.

    1. Dascent says:

      Blessings to you too.

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