Lion’s Gate Portal Activation
The Lion’s Gate Portal is a spiritual and astrological event that occurs annually around August 8th. The name is derived from the fact that the event takes place under the zodiac sign of Leo, when the Sun is in the constellation of Leo.
Key Dates for the Lion’s Gate Portal 2024:
- Beginning: July 26, 2024
- Peak: August 8, 2024
- End: August 12, 2024
This portal, this particular alignment is representative of a powerful energetic opening, facilitating spiritual transformations and the manifestation of intentions.
Alignment with Sirius
The Lion’s Gate Portal is associated with the alignment of the star Sirius with Earth. Sirius is considered the second brightest star in the sky and is often associated with spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. During this period, the energy of Sirius can be channeled, focused to be very influential on Earth.
For example, August 8th is significant in numerology, being associated with the power of infinity, manifestation, and abundance. On this day, energies are amplified, allowing for greater clarity and spiritual vision.
The sign of Leo, a fire sign, is linked to the heart, courage, and personal power. This portal is seen as an opportune time for personal growth, following one’s passion, and expressing authenticity.
Try to connect with Leo’s energy via whatever meditative method you can and there will be a few key points, key energies you will feel.
Boldness, courage, a sense of shining from within, a sense of power emanating from within, a golden light with a strong sense of courage, a sense of momentum yet with calm and control…
The Sigil
The Lion’s Gate sigil can be used to activate desired energies, for abundance, self-empowerment, connection with higher dimension entities.
The following material is optional as it includes the instructions for meditative state, how to connect with energies and ritual for self-empowerment.
For the ritual you will need a candle a reproduction of the sigil on a piece of paper and a bowl of water.
Use the appropriate image for visualisation purpose, it is designed to trigger and empower the connection with your own energy, the state of awareness.

Symbolic and Astrological Associations of the Lion’s Gate Portal
Although the name suggests a direct connection with the constellation of Leo, the Lion’s Gate Portal has a deeper and more complex significance in symbolic and astrological terms. Here are some clarifications and additional details:
Symbolism and Astrological Significance
Alignment of Sirius with the Sun. During the Lion’s Gate Portal, the star Sirius aligns with the Sun in the constellation of Leo, creating a powerful energy. Sirius, also known as the “Spiritual Sun,” symbolizes enlightenment and spiritual awakening.
Leo Zodiac Period
The Lion’s Gate Portal occurs when the Sun transits the sign of Leo (July 23 – August 22). Leo, a fire sign, is associated with the heart, courage, self-expression, and inner strength. These characteristics are amplified during this portal.
Connection with Sirius
Although Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major, its importance during this period comes from the fact that, in ancient Egypt, the alignment of Sirius with the Sun marked the new year and was associated with prosperity and abundance due to the flooding of the Nile. This star was seen as a gateway to divine realms.

Feel free to download, save this image on your device and use it as a visual help when you meditate, it is specially designed to resonate with these subtle energies and to amplify the energy you receive.
If you are not sure what the symbols are, head over the Symbols category available on this platform.
Numerology of 8/8
The date August 8th (8/8) is significant in numerology. The number 8 is the symbol of infinity and is associated with abundance, personal power, and karmic balance. This day is seen as a powerful window for manifestation and aligning with the divine purpose.
Power and Abundance
Success Awaits You!
Numerology of Number 8 and its Significance
Number 8 is associated with power, prosperity, and abundance in the world of numerology. This number brings an energy of achievement and material success, symbolizing an understanding of the value and rewards of hard work. In the realm of numerological interpretation, each digit has its own specific characteristics, and Number 8 is considered a number of success and discipline.
Meaning of Number 8 in Numerology
Power and Self-Confidence
Number 8 symbolizes inner strength and self-confidence. Individuals under the influence of this number tend to have a strong will and the ability to manifest their potential in the world.
Success and Abundance
Number 8 is associated with success and abundance. Individuals with this influence have the capacity to attract prosperity into their lives and achieve rewards for their sustained efforts.
Discipline and Organization
Number 8 suggests discipline and organization. People connected to this number tend to be orderly and have well-established plans to reach their goals.
Achievement and Prestige
Number 8 is associated with achievement and prestige. Individuals with this digit in their numerology chart tend to receive recognition for their work and hold high positions in society.
Responsibility and Integrity
Number 8 symbolizes responsibility and integrity. People with this influence have a serious approach to life and seek to be fair and just in all their actions.
Associations for Number 8
Color: Gold – symbolizing wealth, wisdom, and enlightenment
Element: Fire – associated with energy and power, as well as the ability to transform and achieve desired success
Symbolic and Astrological Association of the Lion’s Gate Portal
Self-Expression and Authenticity. Leo’s energy encourages people to express their true nature and follow their heart.
Courage and Inner Strength. Leo is a symbol of courage and self-confidence. The Lion’s Gate Portal is seen as a time to embrace these qualities and make bold changes in life.
Connecting with Higher Energies. The alignment with Sirius is seen as an opportunity to access higher spiritual knowledge and receive divine guidance.
Transformation and Renewal. This period is considered conducive to releasing old patterns and adopting new perspectives that support personal and spiritual growth.
Common Practices
Meditation and Visualization. Focusing on higher chakras and opening the heart to receive high energies.
Setting Intentions. Clarifying and writing down goals and desires to manifest them in reality.
Purification and Protection Rituals. Using sacred herbs, crystals, and sounds to cleanse personal energy and create a sacred space.
Ritual for the opening of the Sacred Space – Atemporal Space
This is an optional ritual so, if you don’t feel comfortable enough with this idea, don’t do it.
One of the attributes, the characteristics of the Sacred Space is the lack of Time, i.e. the timeless space which can benefit one throughout the duration of the Lion’s Gate synchronization
Follow these steps:
- In the physical space, turn off the TV, the radio, the telephone, close the door, the window, any source of noise or disturbance. Move the cat, the children, the puppy to another room.
- Sit comfortably, in a chair, on a bed, on the floor or in an armchair, but not lying down.
- You don’t have to adopt the position of Yoga practices, the lotus position, you just have to stay as relaxed as possible, clear minded and as present as possible in this moment.
- Close your eyes and calmly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
- With each cycle of inspiration, air enters the body that cleanses and invigorates you.
- When you exhale, you eliminate, free yourself from all the anxiety, fatigue, stress, fears you have.
- Repeat this breathing cycle at least 3 times.
- When you feel ready, sit in a comfortable position, open the Sacred Space by (physically) moving your hands from the prayer position near the heart, move them up above your head about 15-20 centimeters above, in the Soul Star chakra, turn your palms outwards and envelop your body with this divine energy.
- When close the Sacred Space with your palms in the initial position, the prayer position

Through this circular movement, you open the Sacred Space (shamanic ritual) where Time and Space are considered inert, timeless space.
In this meditative-spiritual setting and state we can invoke (call, invite) and connect with other versions of our Self, with our ancestors, we can ask to connect with entities from other realities and dimensions that are willing to interact in this way.
I now call upon benevolent entities and pure, high frequency light to guide and protect us/me in this ritual
Angelic entities, spiritual family bearers of light and love, we now open the gates of this sacred space to you, inviting you to enter and surround us with your divine presence.
Greet us with harmony and wisdom, guiding our steps on the path of spiritual search and connection.
We/I ask that you bring with you pure and healing energy, cleanse us in your bright light and guide us in this sacred ritual.
In this Space we now create, we state and affirm that only entities of positive polarity, full of love and light, are permitted to enter and interact with us/me. Any other entities or energies that do not serve Divine Light and Love are not permitted and have no access to this sanctuary of our spirit.
With trust and faith in our power to create and set clear boundaries, we entrust ourselves to the protection and guidance of the benevolent entities who assist us in this sacred moment.
Thank you, entities of light, for your presence and guidance in this Sacred Space.
So may it be ! So may it be! So be it!
Please note that this ritual is optional.
- Light the candle and place it in front of you, immediately behind the candle place the bowl of water
- Close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose for 8 seconds, hold the air in your chest for 8 seconds and then release the air through your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat this breathing exercise 8 times.
- Fold the paper with the sigil only once
- Light the paper with the sigil from the candle, hold it above the bowl of water and say in your mind or out loud:
“I open the Sacred Space!
I clean and purify the energies around me keeping only what is useful for me.
I ask the entities of Light to take over, dissolve and to remove any traces or remnants of other low frequency energies or entities.”
Place the sigil in the bowl of water
Say in your mind or out loud: “This is what I ask and it manifests under Divine Grace!”
End the ritual with the following affirmation, out loud or in your mind:
I agree and give permission for all angels, entities of light, spirit guides and all energies that serve Divinity and Light to be with me.
I ask that they guide me and work with me to unblock, remove, transmute all blockages in all my structures regardless of time, space, dimension or reality.
I ask my Higher Self to assist me in the cleansing, transformation and energetic activation that I need without experiencing discomfort, pain, situations, fears, lessons that I consider learned, assimilated and integrated into all my structures.
I call and ask for the assistance of all entities of light and give them permission to work with me and all who help me to cleanse, heal, activate the energies I need.
I ask that all channels, all wounds, all experiences that do not serve me and that consume my divine energy be closed.
Under Divine Grace I ask to be healed knowing that I do not have to go through unpleasant experiences to learn the lessons I have chosen to learn in this life.
I bring awareness to this process by closing and sealing all energy channels created willingly or unwillingly, consciously or unconsciously.
Give thanks and allow this sense, this energy of gratitude to spread from within your body all over the imediate environment.
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There are no resources to download for this article but you might want to check out the Quotes section.
Useful Links
- What is awareness
- 10th Grid – Knowledge from beyond the veil
- It is time to figure things out
- How to deal with energetic vampires?! Are energetic vampires real?
- Give up Knowing to understand Knowledge
- Remove your energetic parasites
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