What do you know about Soul Contracts?
Some time ago I was asking in a facebook group this very question in order to understand better the diversity of human knowledge… simply putted, what people think about Soul Contracts
Very distilled version of the concept:
Soul contracts are energetical bounds and agreements made at Soul level between multiple souls or even group of souls with defined purpose of learning and growing trough physical experiences .
choose to see the world
as you see yourself
We come here on Earth School to evolve and remember who we are, sometimes to transform/transmute/convert negative polarity into positive, to re-find our Selves by simply observing, interacting and experiencing life.
In this context (here we go, heads up, some might not agree with the idea and that’s fine by me) Devil doesn’t really exist it is a role, a self-made sacrifice, made by other souls and light entities to help us (the others) to experience the theme of polarity to grow and evolve.
Lucian is the Oversoul and an aspect of that oversoul is called Lucifer which is a lightworker just like his brother Archangel Michael or Gabriel….
The thing is, we have created and focused (collectively) so much negative energy into a projection and Lucian energy had to create the Luciferian concept and attached the energy we have collectively created to that new entity.
The projection of our negative creation (at first), named Lucifer has evolved on its own as an conscious entity and burned off the karma just like we humans did and had become more than what we (as a collective) have defined from ancient times but we keep attaching negative energy to Lucifer and it is stuck here. He, as an avatar can’t move on, he can’t further ascend and evolve because we haven’t let go of our fears, our old and limited beliefs.
Back to Soul Contracts… Hell is an energy and we create our own projection of this energy because… we are creators of our own reality. A soul contract can be cancelled while in human form, in physical reality by letting go, by detachment, forgiveness, unconditional love and acceptance. An aspect of this contract is also known as “cutting cords” ritual, popular among some practitioners.
I understand that this perspective might be difficult to digest but those who are able to ask for clarifications from a 3rd party perspective (Higher Self or other entity, even tricksters must communicate the truth under the Law of Grace) — please feel free to ask.
“Life is meaningless unless we give it meaning” ~ Bashar