Example of misinterpreted energy
On our evolutionary path we are encouraged to explore, to adapt, understand, integrate because, energy can’t be destroyed only transformed, converted into another form of energy or whatever presents less resistance,
To self explore our duality and our own aspects, we received the gift of some energies… some took advantage and seen this as an opportunity for self-inner-exploration, others as self-externalized-process and both are wonderful to observe.

The twisted understanding of polarity and hard work of our own duality.
Because we are evolving on so many aspects like biologically, activations of DNA sequences, energetically vibration and frequency and of course spiritual evolvement, remembering, expanded awareness so on… we need to implement some of these energies into our physicality but 50% (in my opinion) of the messages are misinterpreted (I learned it is not exactly a wrong thing but a longer path) … so, let’s take one energy which should have connected us, yet and pushed our evolution to some interesting “super powers” (like psychic abilities of matching brain waves collectively, also known as telempathy) was interpreted and implemented as an opportunity for more segregation and negative individuality (negative individuality is the egocentric behavior – will talk about that later).
Masculine and Feminine …. yeeeey genders, energies….
We all have both energies within us, aspects of these energies are used and divided within our own physical body like left hemisphere of the brain is associated with logic, analytical thinking, and rationality, while the right hemisphere is linked to creativity, emotions, and intuition.
Logic and analytical is more of a masculine energy.
Emotions and intuition is more representative with feminine energy.
The right brain hemisphere is dealing with logical aspects, with action, it is a more mental energy and it is associated with masculine energy…
In this context, when we (as a collective) received the energies of exploration, ballance and integration of the polarities, activatiations of the other aspects which resides within us, so if I am a male, I felt the urge to embrace more of my feminine side, to explore my emotions more, my feminine energy in terms of accepting and understanding that energy even better we kind of took it in a literal sense which created the confusion of “no matter what I have between my legs” if I feel I am not what my biology sais I am, then I am not.
We were gifted the energy of exploring the “other’s side” the polarity of our own duality and so much more in the idea of acceptance, of inclusion, deeper understanding, faster knowing and remembering of who we are but what we did is the reverse, confusion, disagreement in some cases, self doubt, an alienation of our own body from our own soul…
But it didn’t manifested in that way for all individuals.
Some understood the main message because they were already looking within and they already know that it doesn’t matter what type of gender the body is identifying with the soul needs no definition of a gender it is all an experience.
Well, this is just one example where we humans as a collective have interpreted the messages in a twisted way.
At first I was a bit annoyed and wanted to point fingers on the “hidden agendas” but I did understand that those have absolutely no power in one’s decision… as a matter of fact, we give so much credit and so much power to almost an insignificant energy like that because they (a few energies) use the shadow and light effect to seem bigger, to appear stronger, bigger, scarier, powerful… but there’s only fear there and understanding how human mind works, nothing, but nothing more.
PS: I know that some individuals might believe that mistakes, misunderstandings, or misinterpretations could look bad from a certain (limited) perspective but if we change the viewing point, a step back and again looking through the observer’s lense, the path might be longer but the destination hasn’t changed, remains the same.