Give up Knowing to understand Knowledge
If you are wondering “what did the author mean by this?” , do not analyze the text because you can interpret according to the experiences of your reality.
⚘ In a bowl full of water You can no longer pour without leaking out. Bruce Lee used to say “empty your cup”, Jackie Chan used the same line in a movie. Empty your mind so you can fill it again.
⚘ If you are open to the possibility of the idea of “impossible” (which we do not realize would be possible), you are not constrained, you are not “bound” by the physical, religious, energetic, moral, biological laws that you know and are accustomed to filter trough and use to create the perception of your reality.
⚘ Knowing is a definition of what you perceive, it forms reality, it helps you make sense, it guides you in thinking, in action, in the decisions you make and inevitably you can determine or predict, you can intuitively predict at least one of the three outcomes (positive, negative, or neutral experience). Cause and Effect.
In clear and much simpler terms, free yourself (your mind) from logic, do not seek to understand by what methods the universe is working (at this moment) because you are inevitably distracted by more and more and other deviant questions, which are programmed to make connections with what you have already experienced (associations), what “propels you into the past” at a time that you define as experience. How do you want to move forward if you get stuck in the past, if you don’t step forward (or in any direction you want), move nevertheless?
By examining the personalities and destinies of both partners, Dascent creates a sigil that encapsulates the essence of your connection. Use your Couple Sigil as a symbol of your love and commitment, whether as a digital wallpaper, a meaningful piece of jewelry, or even a tattoo that you both share.
These “deviant” questions arise when the logical part is involved. You don’t have to understand the fantastic, the miracle, the magic, not at this moment for the simple fact that you no longer perceive the clear message, the vibration, the positive energy loaded in the emotion you want to experience.
Knowing and Knowledge are different, they do not sum up the same thing, they do not incorporate the same attributes.
Knowledge (I think) aims to help you get where you need to go, to grow as much as you need to grow, to understand as much as you want, as much as you are willing to understand and accept. It does not include the definitions of good or bad, wrong or right, easy or difficult. You choose (to add or not) these attributes to serve your purpose.
How do you interpret Knowledge? for the information to be clear, pure, not filtered by thoughts, previous experiences, programs, do not filter through Known facts, which in your belief have roots in logic, because Knowledge sends you the message in a way for you to understand, it sends you in the format that you already use in order for you to have the ability to use this message for your own purpose.
Who conveys the message of knowledge? You! (not to make a huge parenthesis, past, future does not exist, only now, only present , only this moment. At this moment all is . All your versions are in one moment on different vibrations, you get the knowledge from the version of your Higher Self ).
In your perception of what you define as reality there is only You . Expand your consciousness so that you have access to more of this YOU , universal and infinite You.
A simple, practical way is to use the “tools” you already have. How? What tools?
Imagination is a powerful tool, it is limitless, boundless, infinite, yet restrained by our own mind
Imagination , mental visualization, vibration and the frequency of positive emotions that give power to the thought , intention and allow it to “take shape” to manifest in the physical plane easily perceived.
“I am ready to accept, to receive knowledge and to understand clearly what it conveys to me”
You can write this sentence if you feel it helps you to visualize and become more aware.
The human mind and implicitly the imagination (which is wow), are tools that I would like you to use as often as possible for yourself.
It’s pretty simple. From time to time, you have to give up something to make room for something else, at which point change also occurs.
The healthiest thing is to let go of the negativity (through awareness they are consumed or transformed), the low vibrations, the thoughts with negative impact, the harmful emotions, the thoughts and feelings (some memories and traumas of the past are such blockages) that block us, they keep us in place, anchor us in emotional states that do us no good.
I am not a coach, I do not deal with spiritual development, personal development, I only have access to pieces of knowledge that I share with both you and me.
PS: the text may contain typos, sorry for that, English is not my native language 🙂
What do you think? What would you add, what did you understand from this point of view, how do you feel about this perspective? What is missing to align, to synchronize with your reality?